Spacial Focus:
About the system:
COSEM - COntaminant Spread in the Eastern Mediterranean
Satellite data
Surface currents
Geostrophic surface currents are calculated from satellite altimetery measurements,
which are produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by Aviso, with support from Cnes
In particular, we use the surface currents product derived from the combination of altimetric
data from Jason-1&2 and Envisat missions.
The dataset is comprised of daily near-real-time anomaly data files, gridded on a 1/8° X 1/8°
Mercator grid. In the study area, the datasets do not include measurements at distances of
less than ~10 km from the coastline.
As of October 1st 2014, the altimatry product used is the DUACS 2014 product. Information about the new
altimetry product is available
Surface Chl and temperature
Surface Chl and sea surface temperature (SST) were derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) aboard Aqua. The dataset was comprised of 1 km images, obtained from the ocean color data distribution site
For the near real time system, the product of Copernicus is
being used.