Israel Oceanographic & Limnologic Research - Israel Marine Data Center (ISRAMAR)

Time Series data structure and availability

The Time Series database contains observational data from fixed or permanent oceanographic stations (e.g. Hadera and Ashqelon, mooring ).

Parameter names are defined by parameter and methodology as given by SDN vocabularies Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (P02) and Parameter Usage Vocabulary (P01). Parameter units are defined by BODC data storage units (P06) vocabulary.

Data download is open for registered users only.

The data quality assurance consist of two stages: data are collected in near real time from stations and an automated preliminary quality control procedure is implemented. At this stage, gaps in the observations are possible due to connection problems and problems with observation equipment. This stage is represented in the data by a zero (0) quality flag. Every several months observational instruments are replaced for recalibration and the data collected by them is reprocessed with full quality control procedure (which includes filling communication gaps, and correcting biases due to “instrument drift”). Quality flags, according to SDN L20 measured qualifier flag vocabulary, are appointed during the second QC procedure.

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