Israel Oceanographic & Limnologic Research - Israel Marine Data Center (ISRAMAR)
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Product Algorithm Unit
TAI,Top-of-atmosphere image BG1, Top of atmosphere image, SISCAL specific algorithm none
MAR, Marine reflectance at 550nm XG1, Extract marine reflectance at 550nm %
CHL, Chlorophyll-a concentration EC1, Pigment concentration, OC4v4 algorithm mg/m^3
EC2, G/NIR, Pigment concentration (EXPERIMENTAL, MERIS only), Sokoletzky algorithm for Lake Kinneret mg/m^3
EG1, Chl-Fluo, Pigment concentration (EXPERIMENTAL, MERIS only), uses Chl. fluorescence mg/m^3
EE1, Pigment concentration (EXPERIMENTAL, MERIS only), ANN for case 1 waters mg/m^3
TSM, Total suspended matter FA1, Total suspended matter, Joergensen algorithm for Danish waters g/m^3
FA2, Total suspemded matter, DUP-POWERS g/m^3
FA3, Total suspended matter, MUMM g/m^3
SEC, Secchi depth JC1, Secchi depth (obtained from SeaWiFS KDD) m
KDD, Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm DC1, Diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) at 490nm, SeaWiFS algorithm 1/m


Product Algorithm Unit
TSM, Total suspended matter FA4, Total suspended matter, Clark, MODIS SeaDAS 4.8.4 g/m^3
SST, Sea surface temperature GG5, Sea surface temperature, MODIS SeaDAS 4.8.4 °C
GG4, Sea surface temperature, MODIS split window, SISCAL specific noise reduction °C
CHL, Chlorophyll-a concentration EC3, Pigment concentration, OC3M, MODIS SeaDAS 4.8.4 mg/m^3
KDD, Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm DC2, Diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd), MODIS SeaDAS 4.8.4 1/m
SEC, Secchi depth JC2, Secchi depth, based on Kd from MODIS SeaDAS 4.8.4 m
TAI, Top-of-atmosphere image BG1, Top of atmosphere image, SISCAL none


Product Algorithm Unit
TSM, Total suspended matter FJ, Total suspended matter g/m^3
SST, Sea surface temperature GJ, Sea surface temperature °C
CHL, Chlorophyll-a concentration EJ, OC3 algorithm mg/m^3
KDD, Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm DJ, KD2 algorithm 1/m
SEC, Secchi depth JJ, Secchi depth, based on Kd 490nm m
TAI, Top-of-atmosphere image BJ, Top of atmosphere image none
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