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    Code: Parameter: Unit: Use help for advanced search Clear selection
    ABCPAlpha beta carotenesmg/m^3
    ALKYAlkalinity, acidity and ph of the water columnumol/l
    AMONAmmonium concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    AMOWAmmonium (nh4-n) contentnmol/kg
    ASDWAbsorption standard deviationmg/m^3
    ATMPAtmospheric pressuremBar
    ATMSAtmospheric pressure - sea levmBar
    BATHBathymetric depthm
    BCCWNumber of bacteria cells sw#/l
    BCMWBacterial biomass in sea watermg/m^3
    C1UW14c uptake 0.2-1 micronmgC/mgChl/hr
    CA14Carbon 14mgC/mgChl/hr
    CDFWDark fixationmgC/mgChl/hr
    CF1WDissolved cfc11pmol/kg
    CF2WDissolved cfc12pmol/kg
    CH1PChl-a(less divinylchl-a)mg/m^3
    CH1TChlorophyll totalug/kg
    CH2PChl-b(less divinylchl-b)mg/m^3
    CHADDivinyl chlorophyll-amg/m^3
    CHAEEpimere chlorophyll-amg/m^3
    CHAFChlorophyll-a vertical fluxmg/m^2/d
    CHLCChlorophyll-c totalmg/m^3
    CHTFPart. total carbohydratesmg/m^2/d
    CICWNumber of sw ciliates#/l
    CNDCElectrical conductivity of the water columnS/m
    CO3FPart. caco3 fluxmg/m^2/d
    COCWNumber of sw coccolithophorids#/l
    CODWChemical oxygen demandumol/l
    COPPNumber of copepods#/l
    CORGParticulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water columnumol/l
    CPHLChlorophyll-a totalmg/m^3
    CUPW14c production unknown filtermgC/mgChl/hr
    DAYSDay within yeard
    DAYXDay within monthd
    DCAWDark carbon absorptionmg/m^3
    DENSOther physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate materialkg/m^3
    DEPBDepth below sea bottomm
    DEPHDepth below sea surfacem
    DFCWNumber of sw dinoflagellates#/l
    DOPWDissolved organic phosphorusumol/l
    DOX1Dissolved oxygenppt
    DOX2Dissolved oxygenumol/kg
    DOX3Dissolved oxygenumol/l
    DOXYDissolved oxygen parameters in the water columnumol/l
    DRDDDuration (days)d
    DRYTDry bulb temperaturedegC
    DTCWNumber of sw diatoms#/l
    EPMPTotal susp. part. matter/esterg/m^3
    ETDDEllapsed timed
    ETHPParticulate 234 th act. errormBq/l
    ETHWDissolved 234 th act. errormBq/l
    EWCSCurrent east std. deviationm/s
    EWCTCurrent east componentm/s
    FCO2Co2 fugacityuatm
    GPMPTotal susp. part. matter/glassg/m^3
    GSPDGust wind speedm/s
    HBAWNb of heterotrophic bacteria#/l
    HCDTDirection rel. true northdeg
    HCSPHorizontal current speedm/s
    HEADPlatform or instrument orientationdeg
    HEDEIsotopic ratio error%
    HEDWDeviation of isotopic ratio%
    HEEWDissolved helium errornmol/kg
    HELWDissolved heliumnmol/kg
    HSULHydrogen sulphide (h2s)umol/l
    LATDLatitude degreesdeg
    LCAWLight carbon absorptionmg/m^3
    LGH3Light irradiance corrected paruE/m^2/s
    LGH4Light irradiance surface paruE/m^2/s
    LGH5Immerged/surf irradiance ratio%
    LGHTLight irradiance immerged paruE/m^2/s
    LINCLong-wave incoming radiationW/m^2
    LONDLongitude degreesdeg
    LSCTLight scattering%
    LTHFLithogenic fraction fluxmg/m^2/d
    LTUWLeucine uptake ratemgC/mgChl/hr
    MALSAl in the sediment%
    MBASBa in the sedimentppm
    MBRSBr in the sedimentppm
    MCASCa in the sediment%
    MCESCe in the sedimentppm
    MCRSCr in the sedimentppm
    MCUSCu in the sedimentppm
    MFESFe in the sediment%
    MIISI in the sedimentppm
    MKKSK in the sediment%
    MLASLa in the sedimentppm
    MMGSMg in the sediment%
    MMNSMn in the sediment%
    MMOSMo in the sedimentppm
    MNASNa in the sediment%
    MNBSBs in the sedimentppm
    MNDSNd in the sedimentppm
    MNISNi in the sedimentppm
    MPBSPb in the sedimentppm
    MPPSP in the sediment%
    MRBSRb in the sedimentppm
    MSCSSc in the sedimentppm
    MSDPMean spheric diam. of particleyyyymmdd
    MSISSi in the sediment%
    MSMPMean spheric diam. medianyyyymmdd
    MSRSSr in the sedimentppm
    MSZWMesozooplancton dry weightmg/m^3
    MTHSTh in the sedimentppm
    MTISTi in the sediment%
    MUUSU in the sedimentppm
    MVVSV in the sedimentppm
    MYYSY in the sedimentppm
    MZNSZn in the sedimentppm
    MZRSZr in the sedimentppm
    NEEWDissolved neon errornmol/kg
    NEOWDissolved neonnmol/kg
    NETRNet radiationW/m^2
    NFCWNumber of sw nanoflagellates#/l
    NHRWAmmonium regenerationnmol/l/d
    NHUWAmmonium uptakenmol/l/d
    NODWDissolved organic nitrogenumol/kg
    NORGDissolved organic nitrogenumol/l
    NOTTTotal organic nitrogen (d+p)umol/kg
    NOUWNitrate uptakenmol/l/d
    NSCSCurrent north std. deviationm/s
    NSCTCurrent north componentm/s
    NT1PTotal particulate nitrogenumol/kg
    NTAWNitrate (no3-n) contentumol/kg
    NTIWNitrite (no2-n) contentumol/kg
    NTOTParticulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water columnumol/l
    NTRANitrate concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    NTRINitrite concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    NTRZNitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    NTZWNitrate + nitrite contentumol/kg
    NUMPNumber of particles#/l
    PC1PParticulate organic carbon/pocumol/l
    PCEWNumber of sw picoeucaryotes#/l
    PHCWNum. of sw phytoplankton cells#/l
    PHOSPhosphate concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    PHOWPhosphate (po4-p) contentumol/kg
    PHPHPhpH units
    PHTFPhaeopigments vertical fluxmg/m^2/d
    PHTPTotal pheophytinemg/m^3
    PN1PParticulate organic nitrogenumol/l
    POCFPart. organic carbon fluxmg/m^2/d
    POCPParticulate organic carbon/pocmg/m^3
    PODWDissolved organic phosphorusumol/kg
    PONPParticulate organic nitrogenmg/m^3
    POTTTotal organic phosphorus (d+p)umol/kg
    PP1PPart. organic phosphorus (p)umol/l
    PRCWNumber of sw prochlorococcus#/l
    PRESSea pressure sea surface=0dBar
    PSALSalinity of the water columnppt
    PT1PTotal particulate phosphorusumol/kg
    PTNPParticulate total nitrogenmg/m^3
    PTPPParticulate total phosphorusmg/m^3
    RDINIncident radiationW/m^2
    RELHRelative humidity%
    SECSSeconds within minutes
    SIOFPart. biogenic si fluxmg/m^2/d
    SLCASilicate concentration parameters in the water columnumol/l
    SLCPPart. organic silica (si)umol/l
    SLCWSilicate (sio4-si) contentumol/kg
    SLEVObserved sea levelm
    SNCWNumber of sw synechococcus#/l
    SPDIIndicated platform speed-shipm/s
    SSALSalinity (pre-1978 defn)ppt
    SSPSSea surface practical salinityppt
    SSTPSea surface temperaturedegC
    SVELSound velocity and travel time in the water columnm/s
    SWDRWave direction rel true northdeg
    SWHTSwell heightm
    TCCFPart. total carbon fluxmg/m^2/d
    TDPWTotal dissolved phosphorusumol/l
    TEMPTemperature of the water columndegC
    TH4PParticulate 234th activtymBq/l
    TH4WDissolved 234thmBq/l
    TICWTotal inorganic carbonumol/kg
    TIMETime within dayhh24miss
    TNNFPart. total nitrogen fluxmg/m^2/d
    TPAWDiss. triphosphate adenosinemg/m^3
    TPHPTotal phaeopigmentsmg/m^3
    TPHSParticulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water columnumol/l
    TSMFTotal mass fluxmg/m^2/d
    TSMPTotal suspended matterg/m^3
    TUR1Light diffusion coefficient/m
    TUR2Light attenuation coefficient/m
    TUR3Light transmission%
    VCSPVertical current speedmm/s
    VERRVelocity errorm/s
    VOCPVolume conc. of particlesppm
    WDIRWind direction rel. true northdeg
    WSPDWind speedm/s
    DOX4Dissolved oxygenmg/l
    DOC4Dissolved oxygen by ctdmg/l
    DOC2Dissolved oxygen by ctdumol/kg
    DOS2Dissolved oxygen by ctd & smoothed numericallyumol/kg
    TDPKTotal dissolved phosphorusumol/kg
    ZTBCZooplankton taxonomy related biomass expressed as c per unit volumemg/m^3
    TEMPUAAATemperature of the water columnDegrees
    GWDRUABBWave directionDegrees True
    BNTXUCMLBacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per millilitre
    MZBNUCPLMicrozooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per litre
    D000UCPLDiatom taxonomy-related abundance per unit mass of sedimentNumber per litre
    PATXUCPLPhytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per litre
    BNTXUCPLBacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per litre
    PNTXUCPLPhytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per litre
    VIRUUCPLVirus abundance in the water columnNumber per litre
    MEPHUGDXZooplankton egg hatch proportionMilligrams per square metre per day
    TCFXUGDXSedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water columnMilligrams per square metre per day
    SPROUGKGConcentration of proteins in sedimentGrams per kilogram
    CASDUGKGConcentration of carbohydrates in sedimentGrams per kilogram
    CD10UGKGLipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in sedimentGrams per kilogram
    PSALUGKGSalinity of the water columnGrams per kilogram
    CORGUGPLParticulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    CPWCUGPLChlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    WPROUGPLConcentration of proteins in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    FR11UGPLChlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    NTOTUGPLParticulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    NTRZUGPLNitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    TPHSUGPLParticulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    SES4UGPLHplc pigmentsMicrograms per litre
    SIGTUKMCDensity of the water columnKilograms per cubic metre
    SPOLUKWNSediment pollen contentNot known
    PSALUKWNSalinity of the water columnNot known
    ASLVULAASea levelMetres
    HEAVULAAWave height estimatesMetres
    CATXUMGLPhytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per litre
    TSEDUMGLConcentration of suspended particulate material in the water columnMilligrams per litre
    CNTXUMGLPhytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per litre
    MZCTUMKSMicrozooplankton grazing10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram
    SPOLUMKSSediment pollen content10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram
    ASAMUMKSAcoustic backscatter in the water column10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram
    ZCTCUMMCZooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    ASAMUMMCAcoustic backscatter in the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    MSBDUMMCZooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    OPWCUMMCUnclassified pigment concentrations in the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    PHWCUMMCPhaeopigment concentrations in the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    CNTXUMMCPhytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    MZBCUMMCMicrozooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES6UMMCChlorophyll-a totalMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES7UMMCChlorophyll-bMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES8UMMCChlorophyll-cMilligrams per cubic metre
    PPRDUMMDPrimary production in the water columnMicromoles per litre per day
    ZCTCUMMSZooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per square metre
    TBGZUNMHBacterial consumption in the water columnNanomoles per litre per hour
    BNUCUNPGBacteria non taxonomy-related abundance in sedimentNumber per gram
    PSALUPAASalinity of the water columnDegrees Celsius
    DOXYUPCTDissolved oxygen parameters in the water columnPercent
    ATTNUPCTTransmittance and attenuance of the water columnPercent
    CBSDUPCTCarbon concentrations in sedimentPercent
    SES5UPCTOxygen saturationPercent
    MFABUPMSZoobenthos non taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bedNumber per square metre
    ZATXUPMSZooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per square metre
    DOCCUPOXDissolved organic carbon concentration in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    SES1UPOXHydrogen sulfide (iodine back titration)Micromoles per litre
    ZNLGUPOXMetal ligand parameters in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    TDINUPOXDissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    DCMXUPOX'other' halocarbon concentrations in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    SES2UPOXDissolved silicic acid concentration in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    ATTNUPRMTransmittance and attenuance of the water columnper metre
    DOXYUSPCDissolved oxygen parameters in the water columnNot specified
    ALKYUSPCAlkalinity, acidity and ph of the water columnNot specified
    ATTNUSPCTransmittance and attenuance of the water columnNot specified
    FVLTUSPCRaw fluorometer outputNot specified
    PPRDUSPCPrimary production in the water columnNot specified
    SIGTUSPCDensity of the water columnNot specified
    GREFUSPCBacterial growthNot specified
    PNTXUSPCPhytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNot specified
    PSALUSPCSalinity of the water columnNot specified
    ZOOBUSPCZoobenthos taxonomy-related countsNot specified
    DOCCUUMLDissolved organic carbon concentration in the water columnMicrolitres per litre
    DOXYUUMLDissolved oxygen parameters in the water columnMicrolitres per litre
    ALKYUUPHAlkalinity, acidity and ph of the water columnpH units
    FBABUUUUFish taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bedDimensionless
    PSALUUUUSalinity of the water columnDimensionless
    EWSBUVAAWind speed and directionMetres per second
    FNTXUCMCFish non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per cubic metre
    ZATXUCMCZooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per cubic metre
    ZNTXUCMCZooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per cubic metre
    UPTHNGCLBacterial production in the water columnNanograms of Carbon per litre per hour
    PSALSES1Salinity of the water columnP.S.U. (practical salinity unit)
    DOXYSES2Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water columnMillilitres per litre, ml/l
    ZCTCSES3Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    PPRDSES3Primary production in the water columnMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    PSALSES4Salinity of the water columnSalinity of the water column, P.S.U.
    MZBNSES5Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per litre, cell/l
    MATCSES5Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columncells per litre, cell/l
    PATXSES5Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per litre, cell/l
    BNTXSES5Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per litre, cell/l
    PNTXSES5Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per litre, cell/l
    SES3SES5Flow cytometrycells per litre, cell/l
    PATXSES6Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per millilitre, cell/ml
    BNTXSES6Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columncells per millilitre, cell/ml
    BNTCSES7Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l
    MZBCSES7Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l
    GPIGSES8Zooplankton gut pigmentsmicrograms of Carbon per Ind per day, ug C/ind/day
    MEPHSES10Zooplankton egg hatch proportionEggs of female per day, eggs/female/d
    GPIGSES11Zooplankton gut pigmentsNanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h
    PSSTUPAASkin temperature of the water columnDegrees Celsius
    SES10SES6Number of bacillariophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES11SES6Number of dinophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES12SES6Number of chlorophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES13SES6Number of cryptophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES14SES6Number of euglenoidcells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES15SES6Number of nanoflagellatecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES16SES6Number of zygnemaphyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES18SES6Number of total phytoplankton cellscells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES22SES6Number of chrysophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES23SES6Number of cyanophyceaecells per millilitre, cell/ml
    COCWSES6Number of sw coccolithophoridscells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SIGTSES12Density of the water columnSigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000
    SES25SES2Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctdMillilitres per litre, ml/l
    SES26SES2Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winklerMillilitres per litre, ml/l
    NTAWUPOXNitrate (no3-n) contentMicromoles per litre
    NTIWUPOXNitrite (no2-n) contentMicromoles per litre
    SLCWUPOXSilicate (sio4-si) contentMicromoles per litre
    PHOWUPOXPhosphate (po4-p) contentMicromoles per litre
    SES27SES13Fluorescence, ctdFluorescence units
    DTCWSES14Number of sw diatomscells/100 ml
    DFCWSES14Number of sw dinoflagellatescells/100 ml
    COCWSES14Number of sw coccolithophoridscells/100 ml
    SES15SES14Number of nanoflagellatecells/100 ml
    SES23SES14Number of cyanophyceaecells/100 ml
    SES12SES14Number of chlorophyceaecells/100 ml
    SES13SES14Number of cryptophyceaecells/100 ml
    SES14SES14Number of euglenoidcells/100 ml
    SES16SES14Number of zygnemaphyceaecells/100 ml
    SES22SES14Number of chrysophyceaecells/100 ml
    SES17SES14Number of unidentified phytoplanktoncells/100 ml
    SES18SES14Number of total phytoplankton cellscells/100 ml
    FCNTUSPCFish taxonomy-related countsNot specified
    SES29UPOXApparent oxygen utilization (aou)Micromoles per litre
    SES30SES6Binucleated cells (bn)ses30cells per millilitre, cell/mlSES6
    CUPWUMKS14c production unknown filter10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram
    SES30UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses30Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES31UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 - 1.2 micrometers - ses31Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES32UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses32Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES33SES3Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses33Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3
    SES34SES3Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - ses34Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3
    SES35SES3Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses35Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3
    SES36MGCLBiomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36Micrograms of Carbon per litre per hour - MGCL
    SES36SES7Biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES37SES7Biomass of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses37micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES38SES6Abundance of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses38cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    SES39SES6Abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses39cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    CUPWUPOX14c production unknown filterMicromoles per litre
    SES40UPOXTotal sulfides (spectrophotometric)Micromoles per litre
    SES41UPOXDissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)Micromoles per litre
    SES42UPOXThiosulfateMicromoles per litre
    SES43UPOXSulfiteMicromoles per litre
    SES44UPOXSulfur-oMicromoles per litre
    UREAUPOXUrea concentration parameters in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    SES45SES15Total alkalinity in water columnMilligramm-Equivalent per litre
    SES46UUMVRedox potential in swMillivolts
    PT1PUPOXTotal particulate phosphorusMicromoles per litre
    SES47UMGLHumic matterMilligrams per litre
    SES48UPOXManganese (ii) in water columnMicromoles per litre
    SES49UMMSPhytoplankton total, wet biomassMilligrams per square metre
    SES51UMMSDiatoms, wet biomassMilligrams per square metre
    SES52UMMSMicrophytoplankton, wet biomassMilligrams per square metre
    SES53UMMSNanophytoplankton, wet biomassMilligrams per square metre
    SES54SES5Microphytoplankton (>15 microns), average cell density in water columncells per litre, cell/l
    SES55SES5Nanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average cell density in water columncells per litre, cell/l
    SES56SES5Picophytoplankton (< 2 micron), average cell density in water columncells per litre, cell/l
    SES57UMMCMicrophytoplankton (>15 microns), average wet biomass in water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES58UMMCNanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average wet biomass in water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES59UMMCPicophytoplankton (< 2 microns), average wet biomass in water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES60UMMCTotal phytoplankton average wet biomass in water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES61SES16Microphytoplankton carbon biomassMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES62SES16Nanophytoplankton carbon biomassMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES63SES16Picophytoplankton carbon biomassMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES64SES16Total phytoplankton carbon biomass at surfaceMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES65SES16Total phytoplankton carbon biomass (layer)Milligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES66SES5Total cyanobacteria, cell densitycells per litre, cell/l
    SES67SES17Primary production at selected depthMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    SES68UMMCChlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES69SES18Secchi disk visibility depthMeters
    SES70UGMSZoobentos 1 (0.05 m2 van veen grab)Grams per square metre
    SES71SES17Primary production at surfaceMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    SES73SES20Bacterial production in water columnMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    SES74SES20Primary production in water columnMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    SES75UMMCMesozooplankton f2("fodder" ) biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES76UCMCMesozooplankton f2 ("fodder" ) numberNumber per cubic metre
    SES77UGMSZoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) biomassGrams per square metre
    SES78UPMSZoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) numberNumber per square metre
    SES79SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 407 nm m-1
    SES80SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 422 nm m-1
    SES81SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 427 nm m-1
    SES82SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 465 nm m-1
    SES83SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm m-1
    SES84SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 457 nm m-1
    SES85UPCTLight transmission at 600 nmPercent
    SES86SES22Photosynthetically active radiationMicro Einsteins per square meter per second
    SES87UMMCTotal mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES88UMMCTotal mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES89UMMCTotal mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES90UMMCTotal mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES91UMMCFodder mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES92UMMCFodder mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES93UMMCFodder mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES94UMMCFodder mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES95UMMCTotal mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle)Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES96UMMCMesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES97UCMCMesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) numberNumber per cubic metre
    SES98UCMCMesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel, mnemiop.) numberNumber per cubic metre
    SES99UMMCMesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel., mnemiop.) biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES97UMMCMesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) numberMilligrams per cubic metre
    UPTHSES20Bacterial production in the water columnMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    PPRDSES20Primary production in the water columnMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    SES86UMESPhotosynthetically active radiationMicroEinsteins per square metre per second
    SES66SES23Total cyanobacteria, cell densitycells per cubic metre
    SES72SES24Bacterial biomass at surfaceMilligrams
    SES50UMMSDinoflagellates, wet biomassMilligrams per square metre
    SES100SES5Total phytoplankton, cell densitycells per litre, cell/l
    SES101UMMCTotal phytoplankton, wet biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES102ULAALower layer depthMetres
    SES26MMOMDissolved oxygen in the water column, winklerMillimoles per mole
    SES103UKMCDensity (sigma-theta)Kilograms per cubic metre
    SES26UPOXDissolved oxygen in the water column, winklerMicromoles per litre
    SECCULAASecchi disk depthMetres
    CDTAUPAAAir temperatureDegrees Celsius
    SES103SES19Density (sigma-theta)Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter
    SES103SES21Density (sigma-theta) m-1
    SES104UMMCMesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES104SES19Mesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter
    SES105SES19Mesozooplankton wet weight biomassMilligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter
    SES103UCMCDensity (sigma-theta)Number per cubic metre
    SES107UCMCMesozooplankton total abundanceNumber per cubic metre
    SES108UCMCMesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundanceNumber per cubic metre
    ASLVSES18Sea levelMeters
    TEMPULAATemperature of the water columnMetres
    SES109UPAAPotential temperatureDegrees Celsius
    SES110KGUMTotal co2Micromoles per kilogram
    SES25KGUMDissolved oxygen in the water column, ctdMicromoles per kilogram
    SES111UMMCChlorophyll-b totalMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES112UMMCChlorophyll-a (hplc)Milligrams per cubic metre
    NTRASES21Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column m-1
    MSBDSES21Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column m-1
    NTRASES27Nitrate concentration parameters in the water columnmM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter
    PHOSSES27Phosphate concentration parameters in the water columnmM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter
    AMONSES27Ammonium concentration parameters in the water columnmM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter
    SES68UGPLChlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method)Micrograms per litre
    ZNTCSES16Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SIOFUMGLPart. biogenic si fluxMilligrams per litre
    SES27UKWNFluorescence, ctdNot known
    SES6UGPLChlorophyll-a totalMicrograms per litre
    SES73NGCLBacterial production in water columnNanograms of Carbon per litre per hour
    BNTXUKWNBacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNot known
    SES6SES5Chlorophyll-a totalcells per litre, cell/l
    SES6SES7Chlorophyll-a totalmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l
    AYMDDate and timeyyyymmdd hh:mm
    SES41UMGLDissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)Milligrams per litre
    SES25UMGLDissolved oxygen in the water column, ctdMilligrams per litre
    SES116UGPLActive chlorophyll-aMicrograms per litre
    CUPWUCMC14c production unknown filterNumber per cubic metre
    CUPWSES2114c production unknown filter m-1
    SES27USPCFluorescence, ctdNot specified
    SES24UKMCSigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000Kilograms per cubic metre
    NTZWUPOXNitrate + nitrite contentMicromoles per litre
    SES118UPOXPart. organic carbon (c)Micromoles per litre
    SES117UPOXPart. organic nitrogen (n)Micromoles per litre
    SES120UMLVCarbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphereParts per million by volume
    SES119UMLVCarbon dioxide concentrations in the surface seawaterParts per million by volume
    SES121UATMPartial pressure (pco2) and fugacity (fco2) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphereMicroatmospheres
    PTNPUPOXParticulate total nitrogenMicromoles per litre
    SES74SES21Primary production in water column m-1
    SES124SES31Copepod ingestion?gCprey ?gCcop-1 day-1
    SES125SES32Copepod production?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1
    PTDZUPAATemperature variation in the water columnDegrees Celsius
    CATXUMMCPhytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    PATXUCMCPhytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnNumber per cubic metre
    SES67SES20Primary production at selected depthMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    AMONUMGLAmmonium concentration parameters in the water columnMilligrams per litre
    SES105UMMCMesozooplankton wet weight biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES27UVLTFluorescence, ctdVolts
    SES27UGPLFluorescence, ctdMicrograms per litre
    SES109UAAAPotential temperatureDegrees
    SES45UPOXTotal alkalinity in water columnMicromoles per litre
    TICWUPOXTotal inorganic carbonMicromoles per litre
    TCO2UPOXTotal dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water columnMicromoles per litre
    MSICSES21Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column m-1
    DEPHSES18Depth below sea surfaceMeters
    MNGSSES13Sediment grain size parametersFluorescence units
    SES126SES33Particle size spectra in water columnabundance in size class
    SES127SES33Particle abundance size spectra in water columnabundance in size class
    TUR3SES21Light transmission m-1
    PHPHUPOXPhMicromoles per litre
    SES45KGUMTotal alkalinity in water columnMicromoles per kilogram
    PTPPUPOXParticulate total phosphorusMicromoles per litre
    PHWCUGPLPhaeopigment concentrations in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    SES9SES5Number of sw bacillariophyceaecells per litre, cell/l
    DTCWSES5Number of sw diatomscells per litre, cell/l
    DFCWSES5Number of sw dinoflagellatescells per litre, cell/l
    COCWSES5Number of sw coccolithophoridscells per litre, cell/l
    NFCWSES5Number of sw nanoflagellatescells per litre, cell/l
    PHCWSES5Num. of sw phytoplankton cellscells per litre, cell/l
    TUR2SES21Light attenuation coefficient m-1
    PCEWSES5Number of sw picoeucaryotescells per litre, cell/l
    RVDSSES36River flow and discharge - rvdsTons per day - SES36
    RVDSSES37River flow and discharge - rvdsCubic meter per second - SES37
    SSPSSES4Sea surface practical salinitySalinity of the water column, P.S.U.
    SSALSES4Salinity (pre-1978 defn)Salinity of the water column, P.S.U.
    SES41SES2Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)Millilitres per litre, ml/l
    LGH4SES22Light irradiance surface parMicro Einsteins per square meter per second
    SES128UMKSNumber of bacteria cells sw10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram
    SES129SES39Bacterial carbon production in the sea water columnµg C/L/h
    SES130SES39Microbial community respirationµg C/L/h
    SES131SES40Bacterioplankton biomass in the sea water columnmg C/m^3
    SES128SES21Number of bacteria cells sw m-1
    SES128SES41Number of bacteria cells swcells10^8/L
    SES132SES42137cs activity in seawatermBq/l
    SES133SES42Error on 137cs activity in water [mbq/l]mBq/l
    SES132SES21137cs activity in seawater m-1
    SES134SES21Din concentration in the atmosphere m-1
    SES134UMMCDin concentration in the atmosphereMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES135UMMCDip concentration in the atmosphereMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES136UGPLChlorophyll a- total and size fractionatedMicrograms per litre
    SES137SES3Primary production total and size fractionatedMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    SES29SES21Apparent oxygen utilization (aou) m-1
    CAPHUPDBAir pressureDecibars
    TCNTUUTURaw temperature and/or salinity instrument outputTritium units (10**18H/Tr)
    PHPHSES35PHmoles/(kg Sea Water)
    PHPHSES34PHmol/(kg Sea Water)
    PTDZSES21Temperature variation in the water column m-1
    AMONUGPLAmmonium concentration parameters in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    TDINUGPLDissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water columnMicrograms per litre
    SES129SES45Bacterial Carbon Production in the sea water column - SES129µg C/L/h SES129 - SES45
    PPRDSES39Primary production in the water columnµg C/L/h
    BPBPSES6Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as protein per unit volume of the water columncells per millilitre, cell/ml
    SES138SES39Bacterial carbon productionin the sea water columnµg C/L/h
    SES74SES3Primary Production in water columnMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    SES130SES46Microbial Community Respiration mgO2/m3/h
    TCNTSES4Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument outputSalinity of the water column, P.S.U.
    SES139SES47Ingestion rates on ciliates and Chl-? >0,2 ?mµgCprey/µgCcop/day
    SES73SES39Bacterial Production in water columnµg C/L/h
    SES27UBQKFluorescence, CTDBequerels per kilogram
    SES27SES21Fluorescence, CTD m-1
    CPWCUMMCChlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    FLUOFluorescence by ctdNot specified
    DOC2KGNMDissolved oxygen by ctdNanomoles per kilogram
    SES41KGNMDissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)Nanomoles per kilogram
    SES83SES2Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm - SES83Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2
    DOC2SES2Dissolved oxygen by ctdMillilitres per litre, ml/l
    FLUOSES13Fluorescence by ctdFluorescence units
    FR11UVLTChlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water columnVolts
    FLUOUVLTFluorescence by ctdVolts
    ALKYSES32Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKY?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1 - SES32
    SES141KGUMNormalized Total Alkalinity - SES141Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM
    SES142SES21Beam attenuation coeffiecient at 660 nm - SES142 m-1 - SES21
    SES5SES2Oxygen saturation - SES5Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2
    SES143SES48Filtered water volume - SES143Cubic meter, m3 - SES48
    SES144SES18Vertical tow maximum depth - SES144Meters - SES18
    CPHLUGPLChlorophyll-a totalMicrograms per litre
    MSBDUGDCZooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre per day
    SES23SES21Number of cyanophyceae m-1
    BFUPSES2119'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine m-1
    SNCWSES21Number of sw synechococcus m-1
    SNCWSES5Number of sw synechococcuscells per litre, cell/l
    SES128UCPLNumber of bacteria cells swNumber per litre
    SES131UMMCBacterioplankton biomass in the sea water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    SES145UMMCchlorophyll-c2Milligrams per cubic metre
    SES108UMMCMsozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance Milligrams per cubic metre
    PREXUPDBSea level expressed as pressureDecibars
    SECCSES18Secchi disk depthMeters
    LCAWSES3Light carbon absorptionMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    LCAWSES17Light carbon absorptionMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    DCAWSES17Dark carbon absorptionMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    DCAWSES3Dark carbon absorptionMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    TUR2SES18Light attenuation coefficientMeters
    SES136UMMCChlorophyll a- total and size fractionatedMilligrams per cubic metre
    TSMPUMGLTotal suspended matterMilligrams per litre
    SES137SES17Primary production total and size fractionatedMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    SES49SES19Phytoplankton total, wet biomassMilligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter
    CATXSES16Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligram of carbon per cubic meter
    SES49UMMCPhytoplankton total, wet biomassMilligrams per cubic metre
    MATCUMMCMicrozooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    FLUOUGPLFluorescence by ctdMicrograms per litre
    DEPHSES21Depth below sea surface m-1
    DOC2SES3Dissolved oxygen by ctdMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h
    DOC2SES49Dissolved oxygen by ctdmg/l
    SES25SES49Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctdmg/l
    SES146SES21Beam attenuation coefficient at 530 nm m-1
    SES39UUPHAbundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellatespH units
    SES147UUPHpH, ctdpH units
    SES148SES50Taxon-specific meiobenthos densityindividuals per square meter
    SES149UGMSTaxon-specific meiobenthos biomassGrams per square metre
    SES150SES50Meiobenthos total densityindividuals per square meter
    SES151UGMSMeiobenthos total biomassGrams per square metre
    SES148UGMSTaxon-specific meiobenthos densityGrams per square metre
    ZOOBUPMSZoobenthos taxonomy-related countsNumber per square metre
    ZWTXUGMSZoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bedGrams per square metre
    SES152UCMCMesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundanceNumber per cubic metre
    SES41SES49Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)mg/l
    TSMPUGPLTotal suspended matterMicrograms per litre
    PSALSES29Salinity of the water columnppmv (parts per million by volume)
    SES26SES1Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winklerP.S.U. (practical salinity unit)
    SES5UPOXOxygen saturationMicromoles per litre
    SES153UPOXTotal (dissolved+particulate) phosphorusMicromoles per litre
    SES26SES49Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winklermg/l
    OCPWUPOXDissolved organic carbon concentrations in sediment pore watersMicromoles per litre
    SSPSUGCCSea surface practical salinityGrams per cubic centimetre
    SSPSSES1Sea surface practical salinityP.S.U. (practical salinity unit)
    DOX3SES49Dissolved oxygenmg/l
    DOX3SES2Dissolved oxygenMillilitres per litre, ml/l
    DOCCUMMCDissolved organic carbon concentration in the water columnMilligrams per cubic metre
    AAMNUPOXConcentration of nitrogen species in the atmosphereMicromoles per litre
    SES156UPOXDissolved Organic NitrogenMicromoles per litre
    PRESSES52Sea pressure sea surface=0dBar
    PREXSES52Sea level expressed as pressuredBar
    CNDCSES53Electrical conductivity of the water columnmS/cm
    OXYCUVLTRaw oxygen sensor outputVolts
    SES158SES54chlorophyll-a, ctd fluorescence SeaTech Chelseaug/l
    SES25SES55Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctdumol/Kg
    SES103SES56Density (sigma-theta)Kg/m^3
    SES160SES57QualityFlag t090 (0:OK;1:unknown;4:questionnable;8:bad)enum(0,1,4,8)
    SES161SES57QualityFlag c0mscm enum(0,1,4,8)
    SES162SES57QualityFlag sbeoxOVenum(0,1,4,8)
    SES163SES57QualityFlag flCenum(0,1,4,8)
    SES164SES57QualityFlag sal00enum(0,1,4,8)
    SES165SES57QualityFlag sbeoxumolkgenum(0,1,4,8)
    SES166SES57QualityFlag potemp090enum(0,1,4,8)
    SES167SES57QualityFlag sigma-e00enum(0,1,4,8)
    SES143ULITFiltered water volumeLitres
    SES168SES58chlorophyllid-a (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES169SES58phaeophorbide_a (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES170SES5819-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES171SES58 Neoxanthin (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES172SES58 Violaxanthin (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES173SES58Lutein (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES174SES58Bacterio_chl_a (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES111SES58Chlorophyll-b totalmg.m-3
    CHADSES58Divinyl chlorophyll-amg.m-3
    SES112SES58Chlorophyll-a (hplc)mg.m-3
    CPHLSES58Chlorophyll-a totalmg.m-3
    SES175SES58Phaeophytin_a (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES176SES58Sum Carotenes (hplc)mg.m-3
    SES170SES2119-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc) m-1
    CH1PSES58Chl-a(less divinylchl-a)mg.m-3
    SES178SES59NanoChla-euphotic layermg.m-2
    SES179SES59PicoChla-euphotic layermg.m-2
    SES180SES60CTD number - SES180integer - SES60
    SES181SES60BTL numberinteger
    SLCAUMPMSilicate concentration parameters in the water columnMicromoles per mole
    SES5UMGLOxygen saturationMilligrams per litre
    SES182UVAACurrent east componentMetres per second
    DEPBSES18Depth below sea bottomMeters
    SIGTSES56Density of the water columnKg/m^3
    SES124UPMSCopepod ingestion - SES124Number per square metre - UPMS
    SES183UPMSCopepod abundance - SES183Number per square metre - UPMS
    SES183UCMCCopepod abundance - SES183Number per cubic metre - UCMC
    SES184UMMCCopepod biomass - SES184Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES26SES61Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler uM
    BNTXSES62Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTXMillion cells per millilitre, 10^6 cell/ml - SES62
    BNTXSES63Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTXcells per gram, cell/g - SES63
    CCPWSES64Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPWmM, Millimoles per litre - SES64
    SES125SES10Copepod production - SES125Eggs of female per day, eggs/female/d - SES10
    SES125SES20Copepod production - SES125Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20
    F001SES65Lipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in the water column - F001Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65
    PNTXSES6Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - PNTXcells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    SES185SES66Faecal pellet production - SES185pellets ind-1 h-1 - SES66
    SES124SES11Copepod ingestion - SES124Nanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h - SES11
    SES124SES67Copepod ingestion - SES124?g C copepod -1day-1 - SES67
    EXCRSES68Excretion rate parameters in the water column - EXCRNanomoles per milligrams per hour (nmol mg-1 h-1) - SES68
    ZATXSES69Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATXNumber per 10 cubic metres (ind/10m3) - SES69
    UPTHSES70Bacterial production in the water column - UPTHNanograms of carbon per gram per hour (ngC g-1h-1) - SES70
    MFWWUGMSZoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWWGrams per square metre - UGMS
    CNTXSES7Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTXmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    MZBNSES6Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBNcells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    TCFXUMDXSedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column - TCFXMillimoles per square metre per day - UMDX
    MATXSES5Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MATXcells per litre, cell/l - SES5
    MATCSES7Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - MATCmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    CATXSES7Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CATXmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    HMSBUMMCConcentration of dissolved organic matter in the water column - HMSBMilligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    PHOSUPNMPhosphate concentration parameters in the water column - PHOSNanomoles per litre - UPNM
    TOCHSES65Concentration of carbohydrates in the water column - TOCHMilligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65
    WPROSES65Concentration of proteins in the water column - WPROMilligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65
    SES171SES21 Neoxanthin (hplc) m-1
    SES186UCMCMesozooplankton total abundance (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora and Cnidaria) - SES186Number per cubic metre - UCMC
    SES187UMMCMesozooplankton total biomass (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora) - SES187Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES188SES16Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16
    FCRTSES47Zooplankton feeding - FCRT?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47
    FCRTSES71Zooplankton feeding - FCRTng Chl-a ingestion ind-1 h-1 - SES71
    ZATXSES72Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATXind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter - SES72
    SAMOUMDXNutrient fluxes between the bed and the water column - SAMOMillimoles per square metre per day - UMDX
    SPHTUMGLConcentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment pore water - SPHTMilligrams per litre - UMGL
    NTPWUPOXNutrient concentrations in sediment pore waters - NTPWMicromoles per litre - UPOX
    MFWWSES73Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWWind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73
    SES196SES16Mesozooplankton total biomass as Nitrogen. - SES196Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16
    SES199SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction >0.2 micrometer - SES199milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES200SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2 micrometer - SES200milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES198SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-2 micrometer - SES198milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES201SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 2-5 micrometer - SES201milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES202SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction >2 micrometer - SES202milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES203SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 2 micrometer - SES203milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES33SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES33milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES204SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction >5 micrometer - SES204milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES205SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 5 micrometer - SES205milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES107SES72Mesozooplankton total abundanceind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter
    SES206SES5Total microplankton abundance - SES206cells per litre, cell/l - SES5
    SES34SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - SES34milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES190UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 micrometers - SES190Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES192UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction >2 micrometers - SES192Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES193UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 2 micrometers - SES193Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES35SES74Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - SES35milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES194UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction >5 micrometers - SES194Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES195UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 5 micrometers - SES195Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES189UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2-2 micrometers - SES189Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES191UGPLChlorophyll-a, fraction 2-5 micrometers - SES191Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    POTTUPOXTotal organic phosphorus (d+p) - POTTMicromoles per litre - UPOX
    TPAWUPOXDiss. triphosphate adenosine - TPAWMicromoles per litre - UPOX
    CODWSES2Chemical oxygen demand - CODWMillilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2
    POCFSES20Part. organic carbon flux - POCFMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20
    CCPWUPOXTotal dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPWMicromoles per litre - UPOX
    SES61SES7Microphytoplankton carbon biomass - SES61micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES62SES7Nanophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES62micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES63SES7Picophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES63micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES188SES7Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    ZNTCSES7Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - ZNTCmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    SES207UPOXTotal organic carbon - SES207Micromoles per litre - UPOX
    CPHLSES21Chlorophyll-a total m-1
    PSALUPPBSalinity of the water columnParts per billion
    PHOSUMICPhosphate concentration parameters in the water columnMicrometres (microns)
    PHOWUMICPhosphate (po4-p) contentMicrometres (microns)
    PXSPUMICPhosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate materialMicrometres (microns)
    NTRAUMICNitrate concentration parameters in the water columnMicrometres (microns)
    SES2UMICDissolved silicic acid concentration in the water columnMicrometres (microns)
    CH1TSES58Chlorophyll totalmg.m-3
    CPWCSES58Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water columnmg.m-3
    SES95SES7Total mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle)micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l
    MSICSES40Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water columnmg C/m^3
    ZV00SES40Zooplankton biovolumemg C/m^3
    SES188SES40Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomassmg C/m^3
    SES105SES40Mesozooplankton wet weight biomassmg C/m^3
    MSZWSES40Mesozooplancton dry weightmg C/m^3
    SES71SES20Primary production at surfaceMilligrams of carbon per squere meter per day
    SES174SES17Bacterio_chl_a (hplc)Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    SES73SES17Bacterial production in water columnMilligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day
    MSZWSES58Mesozooplancton dry weightmg.m-3
    MATXSES72Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter
    CPWCSES40Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water columnmg C/m^3
    SES152SES21Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance m-1
    SES171CCPM Neoxanthin (hplc)Millilitres per minute
    SES208CCPMtot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnusMillilitres per minute
    SES208SES76tot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnusNumber of fish
    SES211SES77individual per cubic meterMesozooplankton abundance
    SES211SES78individual per cubic meterMesozooplankton total abundance
    SES212UPCTBeam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar Percent
    TCO2UPPMTotal dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2Parts per million - UPPM
    SES213UMMCMesozooplancton Ash free dry weight - SES213Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    UPTHSES79Bacterial production in the water column - UPTHMicrograms of Carbon per litre per day - SES79
    SES214UGCCzooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214Grams per cubic centimetre - UGCC
    SES216SES81Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES216Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81
    SES217SES81Mesozooplankton Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES217Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81
    SES185SES82Faecal pellet production - SES185Miligrams of Carbon per grams of Carbon per Hour - mgC gC-1 h-1 - SES82
    SES219UGPLChlorophyll-a fraction >0.2 micrometers - SES219Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES220UGPLChlorophyll-a fraction 1.2 micrometers - SES220Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    SES221UGPLChlorophyll-a fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES221Micrograms per litre - UGPL
    BATXSES83Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX10^4 Cell/ml - SES83
    BATXSES5Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATXcells per litre, cell/l - SES5
    BATXSES6Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATXcells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    TCO2KGUMTotal dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM
    SES222SES84Dissolved inorganic carbon Stable carbon isotopes - SES222Delta C 13 (‰) - SES84
    BNTXSES85Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX10^5 Cell/ml - SES85
    SES223UGDXinorganic carbon flux - SES223Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX
    MZBNUPMSMicrozooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBNNumber per square metre - UPMS
    SES226UMMCMesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >1000 um - SES226Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES224UMMCMesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 200-500 um - SES224Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES225UMMCMesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 500-1000um - SES225Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES227SES86Nematode genus richness - SES227number of genus - SES86
    SES228SES87Oxygen consumption rate - SES228?l mgDW-1 h-1 - SES87
    SES229UGDXOPAL Flux - SES229Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX
    SES230UGDXOrganic Carbon flux - - SES230Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX
    SES231UMMCTotal Organic matter in the water column - SES231Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES232UCPLOther microplankton - SES232Number per litre - UCPL
    SES234UPOXSilicate concentration parameters in sediment pore water - SES234Micromoles per litre - UPOX
    SES236SES74Primary production in the water column fraction 1.2 micrometer-- - SES236milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74
    SES237SES88Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237Micromoles per gram - SES88
    SES238UPCT Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments - SES238Percent - UPCT
    SES239UCPLTaxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239Number per litre - UCPL
    SES239SES50Taxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239individuals per square meter - SES50
    MSICUMMCZooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column - MSICMilligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    TCO2SES64Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64
    ALKYSES64Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKYmM, Millimoles per litre - SES64
    SES240UPOXTotal Dissolved Nitrogen - SES240Micromoles per litre - UPOX
    SES241SES73Total meiofaunal (meibenthos) abundance - SES241ind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73
    VIRUSES6Virus abundance in the water column - VIRUcells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6
    VIRUSES89Virus abundance in the water column - VIRU10^7 Cell/ml - SES89
    SES242SES90Volume settlement - SES242ml- - SES90
    SES214UMMCzooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES243SES40Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >1000 um - SES243mg C/m^3 - SES40
    SES244SES40Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 500-1000 um - SES244mg C/m^3 - SES40
    SES245SES40Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 200-500 um - SES245mg C/m^3 - SES40
    SES246UMMCMesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES246Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES247UMMCMesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >2000 um - SES247Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC
    SES248SES40Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES248mg C/m^3 - SES40
    SES249SES40Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >2000 um - SES249mg C/m^3 - SES40
    SES237SES50Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237individuals per square meter - SES50
    SES215SES80Fish taxonomy related biomass - SES215grams per hour (catch rate) - SES80
    SES140SES47Ingestion rates on ciliates and chl-? >2 ?m - SES140?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47
    SES45UEQLTotal alkalinity in water column - SES45MicroEquivalents per litre - UEQL
    BATCSES7Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BATCmicrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7
    ZNTXSES50Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZNTXindividuals per square meter - SES50
    SES250SES91Taxon-specific macrobenthos biomass - SES250gram per square meter - SES91
    SES149SES91Taxon-specific meiobenthos biomass - SES149gram per square meter - SES91
    MFLZUPMSZoobenthos taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the littoral zone - MFLZNumber per square metre - UPMS
    SES188SES21Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass m-1
    SES188SES58Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomassmg.m-3
    SES188SES44Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomassMicrograms of Carbon per cubic metre per hour
    SES188UGUGMesozooplankton total Carbon biomassMicrograms
    SES210SES93tot_weight_Thunnus_sp - SES210weight_(kilograms) - SES93
    SES238SES21 Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments m-1
    SES209SES93tot_weight_Thunnusthynnus - SES209weight_(kilograms) - SES93
    SES252ULAAocean upper mixed layer is the layer between the ocean surface and a depth usually ranging between 25 and 200m - SES252Metres - ULAA
    SES238UGMC Content of Organic Carbon in SedimentsGrams per cubic metre
    ZATXUGMCZooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water columnGrams per cubic metre
    SES214UGMCzooplankton taxonomy related biomass -Grams per cubic metre
    DEPHUPDBDepth below sea surfaceDecibars
    SES255UFAADownward longwave radiation at surface - SES255Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES256UFAAUpward longwave radiation at surface - SES256Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES257UFAADownward shortwave radiation at surface - SES257Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES258UFAAUpward shortwave radiation at surface - SES258Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES259SES94Surface evaporation - SES259kg/m2/s - SES94
    SES260SES94Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260kg/m2/s - SES94
    SES260UFAASurface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES261UFAASurface total heat flux - SES261Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES262SES95Total cloudiness - SES2620-1 scale - SES95
    SES263SES95Low-level cloudiness - SES2630-1 scale - SES95
    SES264SES95Mid-level cloudiness - SES2640-1 scale - SES95
    SES265SES95High-level cloudiness - SES2650-1 scale - SES95
    SES266SES96Liquid water path - SES266Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96
    SES267SES96Precipitable water - SES267Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96
    SES268SES97Atmospheric Pressure at sea level - SES268pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97
    CDTAUPKAAir temperature - CDTADegrees Kelvin - UPKA
    SES269UPKAAir Temperature Daily Maximun - SES269Degrees Kelvin - UPKA
    SES270UPKAAir Temperature Daily Minimum - SES270Degrees Kelvin - UPKA
    CHUMSES98Atmospheric humidity - CHUMKilograms per Kilogram - kg/Kg - SES98
    SES271UVAAzonal wind speed - SES271Metres per second - UVAA
    SES272UVAAmeridional wind speed - SES272Metres per second - UVAA
    SES273UVCCConvective precipitation rate - SES273Millimetres per second - UVCC
    SES274UVCCLarge-scale precipitation rate - SES274Millimetres per second - UVCC
    SES275UVCCPrecipitation rate mm/s - SES275Millimetres per second - UVCC
    SSTPUPKASea surface temperature - SSTPDegrees Kelvin - UPKA
    SES276SES97Zonal wind stress - SES276pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97
    SES277SES97Meridional wind stress - SES277pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97
    SES278UFAALatent heat flux (W/m2) - SES278Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES279UFAALongwave radiative flux - SES279Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES280UFAAShortwave radiative flux - SES280Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES112UGPLChlorophyll-a (hplc)Micrograms per litre
    CPHLSES54Chlorophyll-a totalug/l
    ZCTCSES40Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnmg C/m^3
    BATCSES40Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water columnmg C/m^3
    SES281UFAAnet surface shortwave radiation - SES281Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES282UFAAnet surface longwave radiation - SES282Watts per square metre - UFAA
    SES262UPCTTotal cloudiness - SES262Percent - UPCT
    SES283UGKGSpecific humidity - SES283Grams per kilogram - UGKG
    BNTCSES40Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BNTCmg C/m^3 - SES40
    CNTXSES16Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTXMilligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16
    SES284SES94Water flux - SES284kg/m2/s - SES94
    SES285SES99Altimetry Sea Level Anomaly - SES285centimeters - SES99
    SES286SES99Reconstructed Sea Level Anomaly - SES286centimeters - SES99
    SES287SES18Sea Surface Height - SES287Meters - SES18
    SES288SES20Carbon sequestration to deep layers - SES288Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20
    SES223SES100inorganic carbon flux - SES223Mole per square metre - SES100
    PTPPUUMLParticulate total phosphorusMicrolitres per litre