Code | Parameter | Unit |
ABCP | Alpha beta carotenes | mg/m^3 |
ALKW | Alkalinity | umol/kg |
ALKY | Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column | umol/l |
AMON | Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
AMOW | Ammonium (nh4-n) content | nmol/kg |
ASDW | Absorption standard deviation | mg/m^3 |
ATMP | Atmospheric pressure | mBar |
ATMS | Atmospheric pressure - sea lev | mBar |
AXAP | Alloxanthine | mg/m^3 |
BATH | Bathymetric depth | m |
BCCW | Number of bacteria cells sw | #/l |
BCMW | Bacterial biomass in sea water | mg/m^3 |
BFUP | 19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
C1UW | 14c uptake 0.2-1 micron | mgC/mgChl/hr |
CA14 | Carbon 14 | mgC/mgChl/hr |
CDFW | Dark fixation | mgC/mgChl/hr |
CF1W | Dissolved cfc11 | pmol/kg |
CF2W | Dissolved cfc12 | pmol/kg |
CH1P | Chl-a(less divinylchl-a) | mg/m^3 |
CH1T | Chlorophyll total | ug/kg |
CH2P | Chl-b(less divinylchl-b) | mg/m^3 |
CHAD | Divinyl chlorophyll-a | mg/m^3 |
CHAE | Epimere chlorophyll-a | mg/m^3 |
CHAF | Chlorophyll-a vertical flux | mg/m^2/d |
CHBD | Divinyl-chlorophyll-b | mg/m^3 |
CHC3 | Chlorophyll-c3 | mg/m^3 |
CHCZ | Chlorophyll-c1+c2 | mg/m^3 |
CHLC | Chlorophyll-c total | mg/m^3 |
CHLT | Chlorophyll-total | mg/m^3 |
CHTF | Part. total carbohydrates | mg/m^2/d |
CICW | Number of sw ciliates | #/l |
CNDC | Electrical conductivity of the water column | S/m |
CO3F | Part. caco3 flux | mg/m^2/d |
COCW | Number of sw coccolithophorids | #/l |
CODW | Chemical oxygen demand | umol/l |
COPP | Number of copepods | #/l |
CORG | Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column | umol/l |
CPHL | Chlorophyll-a total | mg/m^3 |
CUPW | 14c production unknown filter | mgC/mgChl/hr |
DATE | Date | yyyymmdd |
DAYS | Day within year | d |
DAYX | Day within month | d |
DCAW | Dark carbon absorption | mg/m^3 |
DENS | Other physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate material | kg/m^3 |
DEPB | Depth below sea bottom | m |
DEPH | Depth below sea surface | m |
DFCW | Number of sw dinoflagellates | #/l |
DOPW | Dissolved organic phosphorus | umol/l |
DOX1 | Dissolved oxygen | ppt |
DOX2 | Dissolved oxygen | umol/kg |
DOX3 | Dissolved oxygen | umol/l |
DOXY | Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column | umol/l |
DRDD | Duration (days) | d |
DRYT | Dry bulb temperature | degC |
DTCW | Number of sw diatoms | #/l |
DXAP | Diadinoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
EPMP | Total susp. part. matter/ester | g/m^3 |
ETDD | Ellapsed time | d |
ETHP | Particulate 234 th act. error | mBq/l |
ETHW | Dissolved 234 th act. error | mBq/l |
EWCS | Current east std. deviation | m/s |
EWCT | Current east component | m/s |
FCO2 | Co2 fugacity | uatm |
FLU1 | Fluorescence | V |
FUCP | Fucoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
GLUC | Glucide | mg/m^3 |
GPMP | Total susp. part. matter/glass | g/m^3 |
GSPD | Gust wind speed | m/s |
HBAW | Nb of heterotrophic bacteria | #/l |
HCDT | Direction rel. true north | deg |
HCSP | Horizontal current speed | m/s |
HEAD | Platform or instrument orientation | deg |
HEDE | Isotopic ratio error | % |
HEDW | Deviation of isotopic ratio | % |
HEEW | Dissolved helium error | nmol/kg |
HELW | Dissolved helium | nmol/kg |
HFUP | 19'hexanoyloxyfucoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
HSUL | Hydrogen sulphide (h2s) | umol/l |
IODI | Iodine | umol/l |
LATD | Latitude degrees | deg |
LCAW | Light carbon absorption | mg/m^3 |
LGH3 | Light irradiance corrected par | uE/m^2/s |
LGH4 | Light irradiance surface par | uE/m^2/s |
LGH5 | Immerged/surf irradiance ratio | % |
LGHT | Light irradiance immerged par | uE/m^2/s |
LINC | Long-wave incoming radiation | W/m^2 |
LIPI | Lipid | mg/m^3 |
LOND | Longitude degrees | deg |
LSCT | Light scattering | % |
LTHF | Lithogenic fraction flux | mg/m^2/d |
LTUW | Leucine uptake rate | mgC/mgChl/hr |
MALS | Al in the sediment | % |
MBAS | Ba in the sediment | ppm |
MBRS | Br in the sediment | ppm |
MCAS | Ca in the sediment | % |
MCES | Ce in the sediment | ppm |
MCRS | Cr in the sediment | ppm |
MCUS | Cu in the sediment | ppm |
MFES | Fe in the sediment | % |
MIIS | I in the sediment | ppm |
MKKS | K in the sediment | % |
MLAS | La in the sediment | ppm |
MMGS | Mg in the sediment | % |
MMNS | Mn in the sediment | % |
MMOS | Mo in the sediment | ppm |
MNAS | Na in the sediment | % |
MNBS | Bs in the sediment | ppm |
MNDS | Nd in the sediment | ppm |
MNIS | Ni in the sediment | ppm |
MNTH | Month | yyyymmdd |
MPBS | Pb in the sediment | ppm |
MPPS | P in the sediment | % |
MRBS | Rb in the sediment | ppm |
MSCS | Sc in the sediment | ppm |
MSDP | Mean spheric diam. of particle | yyyymmdd |
MSIS | Si in the sediment | % |
MSMP | Mean spheric diam. median | yyyymmdd |
MSRS | Sr in the sediment | ppm |
MSZW | Mesozooplancton dry weight | mg/m^3 |
MTHS | Th in the sediment | ppm |
MTIS | Ti in the sediment | % |
MUUS | U in the sediment | ppm |
MVVS | V in the sediment | ppm |
MYYS | Y in the sediment | ppm |
MZNS | Zn in the sediment | ppm |
MZRS | Zr in the sediment | ppm |
NEEW | Dissolved neon error | nmol/kg |
NEOW | Dissolved neon | nmol/kg |
NETR | Net radiation | W/m^2 |
NFCW | Number of sw nanoflagellates | #/l |
NHRW | Ammonium regeneration | nmol/l/d |
NHUW | Ammonium uptake | nmol/l/d |
NODW | Dissolved organic nitrogen | umol/kg |
NORG | Dissolved organic nitrogen | umol/l |
NORW | Nitrification | nmol/l/d |
NOTT | Total organic nitrogen (d+p) | umol/kg |
NOUW | Nitrate uptake | nmol/l/d |
NSCS | Current north std. deviation | m/s |
NSCT | Current north component | m/s |
NT1P | Total particulate nitrogen | umol/kg |
NTAW | Nitrate (no3-n) content | umol/kg |
NTIW | Nitrite (no2-n) content | umol/kg |
NTOT | Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column | umol/l |
NTRA | Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
NTRI | Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
NTRZ | Nitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
NTZW | Nitrate + nitrite content | umol/kg |
NUMP | Number of particles | #/l |
PC1P | Particulate organic carbon/poc | umol/l |
PCEW | Number of sw picoeucaryotes | #/l |
PERP | Peridinine | mg/m^3 |
PHCW | Num. of sw phytoplankton cells | #/l |
PHEA | Pheophytin-a | mg/m^3 |
PHOS | Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
PHOW | Phosphate (po4-p) content | umol/kg |
PHPH | Ph | pH units |
PHTF | Phaeopigments vertical flux | mg/m^2/d |
PHTP | Total pheophytine | mg/m^3 |
PN1P | Particulate organic nitrogen | umol/l |
POCF | Part. organic carbon flux | mg/m^2/d |
POCP | Particulate organic carbon/poc | mg/m^3 |
PODW | Dissolved organic phosphorus | umol/kg |
PONP | Particulate organic nitrogen | mg/m^3 |
POTT | Total organic phosphorus (d+p) | umol/kg |
PP1P | Part. organic phosphorus (p) | umol/l |
PRCW | Number of sw prochlorococcus | #/l |
PRES | Sea pressure sea surface=0 | dBar |
PROT | Protein | mg/m^3 |
PSAL | Salinity of the water column | ppt |
PT1P | Total particulate phosphorus | umol/kg |
PTNP | Particulate total nitrogen | mg/m^3 |
PTPP | Particulate total phosphorus | mg/m^3 |
PXAP | Prasinoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
RDIN | Incident radiation | W/m^2 |
RELH | Relative humidity | % |
SECS | Seconds within minute | s |
SIOF | Part. biogenic si flux | mg/m^2/d |
SLCA | Silicate concentration parameters in the water column | umol/l |
SLCP | Part. organic silica (si) | umol/l |
SLCW | Silicate (sio4-si) content | umol/kg |
SLEV | Observed sea level | m |
SNCW | Number of sw synechococcus | #/l |
SPDI | Indicated platform speed-ship | m/s |
SSAL | Salinity (pre-1978 defn) | ppt |
SSPS | Sea surface practical salinity | ppt |
SSTP | Sea surface temperature | degC |
SVEL | Sound velocity and travel time in the water column | m/s |
SWDR | Wave direction rel true north | deg |
SWHT | Swell height | m |
TCCF | Part. total carbon flux | mg/m^2/d |
TDPW | Total dissolved phosphorus | umol/l |
TEMP | Temperature of the water column | degC |
TH4P | Particulate 234th activty | mBq/l |
TH4W | Dissolved 234th | mBq/l |
TICW | Total inorganic carbon | umol/kg |
TIME | Time within day | hh24miss |
TNNF | Part. total nitrogen flux | mg/m^2/d |
TPAW | Diss. triphosphate adenosine | mg/m^3 |
TPHP | Total phaeopigments | mg/m^3 |
TPHS | Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column | umol/l |
TSMF | Total mass flux | mg/m^2/d |
TSMP | Total suspended matter | g/m^3 |
TUR1 | Light diffusion coefficient | /m |
TUR2 | Light attenuation coefficient | /m |
TUR3 | Light transmission | % |
TUR4 | Turbidity | NTU |
TUR6 | Turbidity | NTU |
TXAP | Diatoxanthine | mg/m^3 |
VCSP | Vertical current speed | mm/s |
VERR | Velocity error | m/s |
VOCP | Volume conc. of particles | ppm |
WDIR | Wind direction rel. true north | deg |
WSPD | Wind speed | m/s |
YEAR | Year | yr |
ZXAP | Zeaxanthine | mg/m^3 |
DOX4 | Dissolved oxygen | mg/l |
DOC4 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | mg/l |
DOC2 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | umol/kg |
DOS2 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd & smoothed numerically | umol/kg |
TDPK | Total dissolved phosphorus | umol/kg |
ZTBC | Zooplankton taxonomy related biomass expressed as c per unit volume | mg/m^3 |
TEMPUAAA | Temperature of the water column | Degrees |
GWDRUABB | Wave direction | Degrees True |
BNTXUCML | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per millilitre |
MZBNUCPL | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per litre |
D000UCPL | Diatom taxonomy-related abundance per unit mass of sediment | Number per litre |
PATXUCPL | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per litre |
BNTXUCPL | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per litre |
PNTXUCPL | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per litre |
VIRUUCPL | Virus abundance in the water column | Number per litre |
MEPHUGDX | Zooplankton egg hatch proportion | Milligrams per square metre per day |
TCFXUGDX | Sedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column | Milligrams per square metre per day |
SPROUGKG | Concentration of proteins in sediment | Grams per kilogram |
CASDUGKG | Concentration of carbohydrates in sediment | Grams per kilogram |
CD10UGKG | Lipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in sediment | Grams per kilogram |
PSALUGKG | Salinity of the water column | Grams per kilogram |
CORGUGPL | Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
CPWCUGPL | Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
WPROUGPL | Concentration of proteins in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
FR11UGPL | Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
NTOTUGPL | Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
NTRZUGPL | Nitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
TPHSUGPL | Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
SES4UGPL | Hplc pigments | Micrograms per litre |
SIGTUKMC | Density of the water column | Kilograms per cubic metre |
SPOLUKWN | Sediment pollen content | Not known |
PSALUKWN | Salinity of the water column | Not known |
ASLVULAA | Sea level | Metres |
HEAVULAA | Wave height estimates | Metres |
CATXUMGL | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per litre |
TSEDUMGL | Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column | Milligrams per litre |
CNTXUMGL | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per litre |
MZCTUMKS | Microzooplankton grazing | 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram |
SPOLUMKS | Sediment pollen content | 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram |
ASAMUMKS | Acoustic backscatter in the water column | 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram |
ZCTCUMMC | Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
ASAMUMMC | Acoustic backscatter in the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
MSBDUMMC | Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
OPWCUMMC | Unclassified pigment concentrations in the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
PHWCUMMC | Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
CNTXUMMC | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
MZBCUMMC | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES6UMMC | Chlorophyll-a total | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES7UMMC | Chlorophyll-b | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES8UMMC | Chlorophyll-c | Milligrams per cubic metre |
PPRDUMMD | Primary production in the water column | Micromoles per litre per day |
ZCTCUMMS | Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per square metre |
TBGZUNMH | Bacterial consumption in the water column | Nanomoles per litre per hour |
BNUCUNPG | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance in sediment | Number per gram |
PSALUPAA | Salinity of the water column | Degrees Celsius |
DOXYUPCT | Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column | Percent |
ATTNUPCT | Transmittance and attenuance of the water column | Percent |
CBSDUPCT | Carbon concentrations in sediment | Percent |
SES5UPCT | Oxygen saturation | Percent |
MFABUPMS | Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bed | Number per square metre |
ZATXUPMS | Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per square metre |
DOCCUPOX | Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
SES1UPOX | Hydrogen sulfide (iodine back titration) | Micromoles per litre |
ZNLGUPOX | Metal ligand parameters in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
TDINUPOX | Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
DCMXUPOX | 'other' halocarbon concentrations in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
SES2UPOX | Dissolved silicic acid concentration in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
ATTNUPRM | Transmittance and attenuance of the water column | per metre |
DOXYUSPC | Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column | Not specified |
ALKYUSPC | Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column | Not specified |
ATTNUSPC | Transmittance and attenuance of the water column | Not specified |
FVLTUSPC | Raw fluorometer output | Not specified |
PPRDUSPC | Primary production in the water column | Not specified |
SIGTUSPC | Density of the water column | Not specified |
GREFUSPC | Bacterial growth | Not specified |
PNTXUSPC | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Not specified |
PSALUSPC | Salinity of the water column | Not specified |
ZOOBUSPC | Zoobenthos taxonomy-related counts | Not specified |
DOCCUUML | Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column | Microlitres per litre |
DOXYUUML | Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column | Microlitres per litre |
ALKYUUPH | Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column | pH units |
FBABUUUU | Fish taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bed | Dimensionless |
PSALUUUU | Salinity of the water column | Dimensionless |
EWSBUVAA | Wind speed and direction | Metres per second |
FNTXUCMC | Fish non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per cubic metre |
ZATXUCMC | Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per cubic metre |
ZNTXUCMC | Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per cubic metre |
UPTHNGCL | Bacterial production in the water column | Nanograms of Carbon per litre per hour |
PSALSES1 | Salinity of the water column | P.S.U. (practical salinity unit) |
DOXYSES2 | Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
ZCTCSES3 | Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
PPRDSES3 | Primary production in the water column | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
PSALSES4 | Salinity of the water column | Salinity of the water column, P.S.U. |
MZBNSES5 | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
MATCSES5 | Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
PATXSES5 | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
BNTXSES5 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
PNTXSES5 | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES3SES5 | Flow cytometry | cells per litre, cell/l |
PATXSES6 | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
BNTXSES6 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
BNTCSES7 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l |
MZBCSES7 | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l |
GPIGSES8 | Zooplankton gut pigments | micrograms of Carbon per Ind per day, ug C/ind/day |
MEPHSES10 | Zooplankton egg hatch proportion | Eggs of female per day, eggs/female/d |
GPIGSES11 | Zooplankton gut pigments | Nanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h |
PSSTUPAA | Skin temperature of the water column | Degrees Celsius |
SES10SES6 | Number of bacillariophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES11SES6 | Number of dinophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES12SES6 | Number of chlorophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES13SES6 | Number of cryptophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES14SES6 | Number of euglenoid | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES15SES6 | Number of nanoflagellate | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES16SES6 | Number of zygnemaphyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES18SES6 | Number of total phytoplankton cells | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES22SES6 | Number of chrysophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES23SES6 | Number of cyanophyceae | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
COCWSES6 | Number of sw coccolithophorids | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SIGTSES12 | Density of the water column | Sigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000 |
SES25SES2 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
SES26SES2 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
NTAWUPOX | Nitrate (no3-n) content | Micromoles per litre |
NTIWUPOX | Nitrite (no2-n) content | Micromoles per litre |
SLCWUPOX | Silicate (sio4-si) content | Micromoles per litre |
PHOWUPOX | Phosphate (po4-p) content | Micromoles per litre |
SES27SES13 | Fluorescence, ctd | Fluorescence units |
DTCWSES14 | Number of sw diatoms | cells/100 ml |
DFCWSES14 | Number of sw dinoflagellates | cells/100 ml |
COCWSES14 | Number of sw coccolithophorids | cells/100 ml |
SES15SES14 | Number of nanoflagellate | cells/100 ml |
SES23SES14 | Number of cyanophyceae | cells/100 ml |
SES12SES14 | Number of chlorophyceae | cells/100 ml |
SES13SES14 | Number of cryptophyceae | cells/100 ml |
SES14SES14 | Number of euglenoid | cells/100 ml |
SES16SES14 | Number of zygnemaphyceae | cells/100 ml |
SES22SES14 | Number of chrysophyceae | cells/100 ml |
SES17SES14 | Number of unidentified phytoplankton | cells/100 ml |
SES18SES14 | Number of total phytoplankton cells | cells/100 ml |
FCNTUSPC | Fish taxonomy-related counts | Not specified |
SES29UPOX | Apparent oxygen utilization (aou) | Micromoles per litre |
SES30SES6 | Binucleated cells (bn)ses30 | cells per millilitre, cell/mlSES6 |
CUPWUMKS | 14c production unknown filter | 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram |
SES30UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses30 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES31UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 - 1.2 micrometers - ses31 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES32UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses32 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES33SES3 | Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses33 | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3 |
SES34SES3 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - ses34 | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3 |
SES35SES3 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses35 | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3 |
SES36MGCL | Biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36 | Micrograms of Carbon per litre per hour - MGCL |
SES36SES7 | Biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES37SES7 | Biomass of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses37 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES38SES6 | Abundance of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses38 | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
SES39SES6 | Abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses39 | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
CUPWUPOX | 14c production unknown filter | Micromoles per litre |
SES40UPOX | Total sulfides (spectrophotometric) | Micromoles per litre |
SES41UPOX | Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe) | Micromoles per litre |
SES42UPOX | Thiosulfate | Micromoles per litre |
SES43UPOX | Sulfite | Micromoles per litre |
SES44UPOX | Sulfur-o | Micromoles per litre |
UREAUPOX | Urea concentration parameters in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
SES45SES15 | Total alkalinity in water column | Milligramm-Equivalent per litre |
SES46UUMV | Redox potential in sw | Millivolts |
PT1PUPOX | Total particulate phosphorus | Micromoles per litre |
SES47UMGL | Humic matter | Milligrams per litre |
SES48UPOX | Manganese (ii) in water column | Micromoles per litre |
SES49UMMS | Phytoplankton total, wet biomass | Milligrams per square metre |
SES51UMMS | Diatoms, wet biomass | Milligrams per square metre |
SES52UMMS | Microphytoplankton, wet biomass | Milligrams per square metre |
SES53UMMS | Nanophytoplankton, wet biomass | Milligrams per square metre |
SES54SES5 | Microphytoplankton (>15 microns), average cell density in water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES55SES5 | Nanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average cell density in water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES56SES5 | Picophytoplankton (< 2 micron), average cell density in water column | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES57UMMC | Microphytoplankton (>15 microns), average wet biomass in water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES58UMMC | Nanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average wet biomass in water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES59UMMC | Picophytoplankton (< 2 microns), average wet biomass in water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES60UMMC | Total phytoplankton average wet biomass in water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES61SES16 | Microphytoplankton carbon biomass | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES62SES16 | Nanophytoplankton carbon biomass | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES63SES16 | Picophytoplankton carbon biomass | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES64SES16 | Total phytoplankton carbon biomass at surface | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES65SES16 | Total phytoplankton carbon biomass (layer) | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES66SES5 | Total cyanobacteria, cell density | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES67SES17 | Primary production at selected depth | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
SES68UMMC | Chlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES69SES18 | Secchi disk visibility depth | Meters |
SES70UGMS | Zoobentos 1 (0.05 m2 van veen grab) | Grams per square metre |
SES71SES17 | Primary production at surface | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
SES73SES20 | Bacterial production in water column | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
SES74SES20 | Primary production in water column | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
SES75UMMC | Mesozooplankton f2("fodder" ) biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES76UCMC | Mesozooplankton f2 ("fodder" ) number | Number per cubic metre |
SES77UGMS | Zoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) biomass | Grams per square metre |
SES78UPMS | Zoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) number | Number per square metre |
SES79SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 407 nm | m-1 |
SES80SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 422 nm | m-1 |
SES81SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 427 nm | m-1 |
SES82SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 465 nm | m-1 |
SES83SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm | m-1 |
SES84SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 457 nm | m-1 |
SES85UPCT | Light transmission at 600 nm | Percent |
SES86SES22 | Photosynthetically active radiation | Micro Einsteins per square meter per second |
SES87UMMC | Total mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES88UMMC | Total mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES89UMMC | Total mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES90UMMC | Total mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES91UMMC | Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES92UMMC | Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES93UMMC | Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES94UMMC | Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES95UMMC | Total mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES96UMMC | Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES97UCMC | Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) number | Number per cubic metre |
SES98UCMC | Mesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel, mnemiop.) number | Number per cubic metre |
SES99UMMC | Mesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel., mnemiop.) biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES97UMMC | Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) number | Milligrams per cubic metre |
UPTHSES20 | Bacterial production in the water column | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
PPRDSES20 | Primary production in the water column | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
SES86UMES | Photosynthetically active radiation | MicroEinsteins per square metre per second |
SES66SES23 | Total cyanobacteria, cell density | cells per cubic metre |
SES72SES24 | Bacterial biomass at surface | Milligrams |
SES50UMMS | Dinoflagellates, wet biomass | Milligrams per square metre |
SES100SES5 | Total phytoplankton, cell density | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES101UMMC | Total phytoplankton, wet biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES102ULAA | Lower layer depth | Metres |
SES26MMOM | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | Millimoles per mole |
SES103UKMC | Density (sigma-theta) | Kilograms per cubic metre |
SES26UPOX | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | Micromoles per litre |
SECCULAA | Secchi disk depth | Metres |
CDTAUPAA | Air temperature | Degrees Celsius |
SES103SES19 | Density (sigma-theta) | Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter |
SES103SES21 | Density (sigma-theta) | m-1 |
SES104UMMC | Mesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES104SES19 | Mesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter |
SES105SES19 | Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass | Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter |
SES106SES25 | Test1 | test1 |
SES103UCMC | Density (sigma-theta) | Number per cubic metre |
SES107UCMC | Mesozooplankton total abundance | Number per cubic metre |
SES108UCMC | Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance | Number per cubic metre |
ASLVSES18 | Sea level | Meters |
TEMPULAA | Temperature of the water column | Metres |
SES109UPAA | Potential temperature | Degrees Celsius |
SES110KGUM | Total co2 | Micromoles per kilogram |
SES25KGUM | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd | Micromoles per kilogram |
SES111UMMC | Chlorophyll-b total | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES112UMMC | Chlorophyll-a (hplc) | Milligrams per cubic metre |
NTRASES21 | Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column | m-1 |
MSBDSES21 | Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column | m-1 |
NTRASES27 | Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column | mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter |
PHOSSES27 | Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column | mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter |
AMONSES27 | Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column | mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter |
SES68UGPL | Chlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method) | Micrograms per litre |
ZNTCSES16 | Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SIOFUMGL | Part. biogenic si flux | Milligrams per litre |
SES27UKWN | Fluorescence, ctd | Not known |
SES6UGPL | Chlorophyll-a total | Micrograms per litre |
SES73NGCL | Bacterial production in water column | Nanograms of Carbon per litre per hour |
BNTXUKWN | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Not known |
SES6SES5 | Chlorophyll-a total | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES6SES7 | Chlorophyll-a total | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l |
AYMD | Date and time | yyyymmdd hh:mm |
SES41UMGL | Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe) | Milligrams per litre |
SES25UMGL | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd | Milligrams per litre |
SES115SES28 | Turbidity | FTU |
SES116UGPL | Active chlorophyll-a | Micrograms per litre |
CUPWUCMC | 14c production unknown filter | Number per cubic metre |
CUPWSES21 | 14c production unknown filter | m-1 |
SES27USPC | Fluorescence, ctd | Not specified |
SES24UKMC | Sigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000 | Kilograms per cubic metre |
NTZWUPOX | Nitrate + nitrite content | Micromoles per litre |
SES118UPOX | Part. organic carbon (c) | Micromoles per litre |
SES117UPOX | Part. organic nitrogen (n) | Micromoles per litre |
SES120UMLV | Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere | Parts per million by volume |
SES119UMLV | Carbon dioxide concentrations in the surface seawater | Parts per million by volume |
SES121UATM | Partial pressure (pco2) and fugacity (fco2) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere | Microatmospheres |
PTNPUPOX | Particulate total nitrogen | Micromoles per litre |
SES74SES21 | Primary production in water column | m-1 |
SES124SES31 | Copepod ingestion | ?gCprey ?gCcop-1 day-1 |
SES125SES32 | Copepod production | ?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1 |
PTDZUPAA | Temperature variation in the water column | Degrees Celsius |
CATXUMMC | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
PATXUCMC | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Number per cubic metre |
SES67SES20 | Primary production at selected depth | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
AMONUMGL | Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column | Milligrams per litre |
SES105UMMC | Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES27UVLT | Fluorescence, ctd | Volts |
SES27UGPL | Fluorescence, ctd | Micrograms per litre |
SES109UAAA | Potential temperature | Degrees |
SES45UPOX | Total alkalinity in water column | Micromoles per litre |
TICWUPOX | Total inorganic carbon | Micromoles per litre |
TCO2UPOX | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column | Micromoles per litre |
MSICSES21 | Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column | m-1 |
DEPHSES18 | Depth below sea surface | Meters |
MNGSSES13 | Sediment grain size parameters | Fluorescence units |
SES126SES33 | Particle size spectra in water column | abundance in size class |
SES127SES33 | Particle abundance size spectra in water column | abundance in size class |
TUR3SES21 | Light transmission | m-1 |
PHPHUPOX | Ph | Micromoles per litre |
SES45KGUM | Total alkalinity in water column | Micromoles per kilogram |
PTPPUPOX | Particulate total phosphorus | Micromoles per litre |
PHWCUGPL | Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
SES9SES5 | Number of sw bacillariophyceae | cells per litre, cell/l |
DTCWSES5 | Number of sw diatoms | cells per litre, cell/l |
DFCWSES5 | Number of sw dinoflagellates | cells per litre, cell/l |
COCWSES5 | Number of sw coccolithophorids | cells per litre, cell/l |
NFCWSES5 | Number of sw nanoflagellates | cells per litre, cell/l |
PHCWSES5 | Num. of sw phytoplankton cells | cells per litre, cell/l |
TUR2SES21 | Light attenuation coefficient | m-1 |
PCEWSES5 | Number of sw picoeucaryotes | cells per litre, cell/l |
RVDSSES36 | River flow and discharge - rvds | Tons per day - SES36 |
RVDSSES37 | River flow and discharge - rvds | Cubic meter per second - SES37 |
SSPSSES4 | Sea surface practical salinity | Salinity of the water column, P.S.U. |
SSALSES4 | Salinity (pre-1978 defn) | Salinity of the water column, P.S.U. |
SES41SES2 | Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe) | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
LGH4SES22 | Light irradiance surface par | Micro Einsteins per square meter per second |
SES128UMKS | Number of bacteria cells sw | 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram |
SES129SES39 | Bacterial carbon production in the sea water column | µg C/L/h |
SES130SES39 | Microbial community respiration | µg C/L/h |
SES131SES40 | Bacterioplankton biomass in the sea water column | mg C/m^3 |
SES128SES21 | Number of bacteria cells sw | m-1 |
SES128SES41 | Number of bacteria cells sw | cells10^8/L |
SES132SES42 | 137cs activity in seawater | mBq/l |
SES133SES42 | Error on 137cs activity in water [mbq/l] | mBq/l |
SES132SES21 | 137cs activity in seawater | m-1 |
SES134SES21 | Din concentration in the atmosphere | m-1 |
SES134UMMC | Din concentration in the atmosphere | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES135UMMC | Dip concentration in the atmosphere | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES136UGPL | Chlorophyll a- total and size fractionated | Micrograms per litre |
SES137SES3 | Primary production total and size fractionated | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
SES29SES21 | Apparent oxygen utilization (aou) | m-1 |
CAPHUPDB | Air pressure | Decibars |
TCNTUUTU | Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output | Tritium units (10**18H/Tr) |
PHPHSES35 | PH | moles/(kg Sea Water) |
PHPHSES34 | PH | mol/(kg Sea Water) |
PTDZSES21 | Temperature variation in the water column | m-1 |
AMONUGPL | Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
TDINUGPL | Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column | Micrograms per litre |
SES129SES45 | Bacterial Carbon Production in the sea water column - SES129 | µg C/L/h SES129 - SES45 |
PPRDSES39 | Primary production in the water column | µg C/L/h |
BPBPSES6 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as protein per unit volume of the water column | cells per millilitre, cell/ml |
SES138SES39 | Bacterial carbon productionin the sea water column | µg C/L/h |
SES74SES3 | Primary Production in water column | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
SES130SES46 | Microbial Community Respiration | mgO2/m3/h |
TCNTSES4 | Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output | Salinity of the water column, P.S.U. |
SES139SES47 | Ingestion rates on ciliates and Chl-? >0,2 ?m | µgCprey/µgCcop/day |
SES73SES39 | Bacterial Production in water column | µg C/L/h |
SES27UBQK | Fluorescence, CTD | Bequerels per kilogram |
SES27SES21 | Fluorescence, CTD | m-1 |
CPWCUMMC | Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
FLUO | Fluorescence by ctd | Not specified |
DOC2KGNM | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | Nanomoles per kilogram |
SES41KGNM | Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe) | Nanomoles per kilogram |
SES83SES2 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm - SES83 | Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2 |
DOC2SES2 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
FLUOSES13 | Fluorescence by ctd | Fluorescence units |
FR11UVLT | Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column | Volts |
FLUOUVLT | Fluorescence by ctd | Volts |
SES115UVLT | Turbidity | Volts |
ALKYSES32 | Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKY | ?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1 - SES32 |
SES141KGUM | Normalized Total Alkalinity - SES141 | Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM |
SES142SES21 | Beam attenuation coeffiecient at 660 nm - SES142 | m-1 - SES21 |
SES5SES2 | Oxygen saturation - SES5 | Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2 |
SES143SES48 | Filtered water volume - SES143 | Cubic meter, m3 - SES48 |
SES144SES18 | Vertical tow maximum depth - SES144 | Meters - SES18 |
CPHLUGPL | Chlorophyll-a total | Micrograms per litre |
MSBDUGDC | Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre per day |
SES23SES21 | Number of cyanophyceae | m-1 |
BFUPSES21 | 19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine | m-1 |
SNCWSES21 | Number of sw synechococcus | m-1 |
SNCWSES5 | Number of sw synechococcus | cells per litre, cell/l |
SES128UCPL | Number of bacteria cells sw | Number per litre |
SES131UMMC | Bacterioplankton biomass in the sea water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES145UMMC | chlorophyll-c2 | Milligrams per cubic metre |
SES108UMMC | Msozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance | Milligrams per cubic metre |
PREXUPDB | Sea level expressed as pressure | Decibars |
SECCSES18 | Secchi disk depth | Meters |
LCAWSES3 | Light carbon absorption | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
LCAWSES17 | Light carbon absorption | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
DCAWSES17 | Dark carbon absorption | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
DCAWSES3 | Dark carbon absorption | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
TUR2SES18 | Light attenuation coefficient | Meters |
SES136UMMC | Chlorophyll a- total and size fractionated | Milligrams per cubic metre |
TSMPUMGL | Total suspended matter | Milligrams per litre |
SES137SES17 | Primary production total and size fractionated | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
SES49SES19 | Phytoplankton total, wet biomass | Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter |
CATXSES16 | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter |
SES49UMMC | Phytoplankton total, wet biomass | Milligrams per cubic metre |
MATCUMMC | Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
FLUOUGPL | Fluorescence by ctd | Micrograms per litre |
DEPHSES21 | Depth below sea surface | m-1 |
DOC2SES3 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h |
DOC2SES49 | Dissolved oxygen by ctd | mg/l |
SES25SES49 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd | mg/l |
SES146SES21 | Beam attenuation coefficient at 530 nm | m-1 |
SES39UUPH | Abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates | pH units |
SES147UUPH | pH, ctd | pH units |
SES148SES50 | Taxon-specific meiobenthos density | individuals per square meter |
SES149UGMS | Taxon-specific meiobenthos biomass | Grams per square metre |
SES150SES50 | Meiobenthos total density | individuals per square meter |
SES151UGMS | Meiobenthos total biomass | Grams per square metre |
SES148UGMS | Taxon-specific meiobenthos density | Grams per square metre |
ZOOBUPMS | Zoobenthos taxonomy-related counts | Number per square metre |
ZWTXUGMS | Zoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed | Grams per square metre |
SES152UCMC | Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance | Number per cubic metre |
SES41SES49 | Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe) | mg/l |
TSMPUGPL | Total suspended matter | Micrograms per litre |
PSALSES29 | Salinity of the water column | ppmv (parts per million by volume) |
SES26SES1 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | P.S.U. (practical salinity unit) |
SES5UPOX | Oxygen saturation | Micromoles per litre |
SES153UPOX | Total (dissolved+particulate) phosphorus | Micromoles per litre |
SES26SES49 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | mg/l |
OCPWUPOX | Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in sediment pore waters | Micromoles per litre |
SSPSUGCC | Sea surface practical salinity | Grams per cubic centimetre |
SSPSSES1 | Sea surface practical salinity | P.S.U. (practical salinity unit) |
DOX3SES49 | Dissolved oxygen | mg/l |
DOX3SES2 | Dissolved oxygen | Millilitres per litre, ml/l |
DOCCUMMC | Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column | Milligrams per cubic metre |
AAMNUPOX | Concentration of nitrogen species in the atmosphere | Micromoles per litre |
SES156UPOX | Dissolved Organic Nitrogen | Micromoles per litre |
PRESSES52 | Sea pressure sea surface=0 | dBar |
PREXSES52 | Sea level expressed as pressure | dBar |
CNDCSES53 | Electrical conductivity of the water column | mS/cm |
OXYCUVLT | Raw oxygen sensor output | Volts |
SES158SES54 | chlorophyll-a, ctd fluorescence SeaTech Chelsea | ug/l |
SES25SES55 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd | umol/Kg |
SES103SES56 | Density (sigma-theta) | Kg/m^3 |
SES160SES57 | QualityFlag t090 (0:OK;1:unknown;4:questionnable;8:bad) | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES161SES57 | QualityFlag c0mscm | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES162SES57 | QualityFlag sbeoxOV | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES163SES57 | QualityFlag flC | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES164SES57 | QualityFlag sal00 | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES165SES57 | QualityFlag sbeoxumolkg | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES166SES57 | QualityFlag potemp090 | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES167SES57 | QualityFlag sigma-e00 | enum(0,1,4,8) |
SES143ULIT | Filtered water volume | Litres |
CHC3SES58 | Chlorophyll-c3 | mg.m-3 |
CHCZSES58 | Chlorophyll-c1+c2 | mg.m-3 |
SES168SES58 | chlorophyllid-a (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
PERPSES58 | Peridinine | mg.m-3 |
SES169SES58 | phaeophorbide_a (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
SES170SES58 | 19-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
FUCPSES58 | Fucoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
BFUPSES58 | 19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
SES171SES58 | Neoxanthin (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
PXAPSES58 | Prasinoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
SES172SES58 | Violaxanthin (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
HFUPSES58 | 19'hexanoyloxyfucoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
DXAPSES58 | Diadinoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
AXAPSES58 | Alloxanthine | mg.m-3 |
TXAPSES58 | Diatoxanthine | mg.m-3 |
ZXAPSES58 | Zeaxanthine | mg.m-3 |
SES173SES58 | Lutein (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
SES174SES58 | Bacterio_chl_a (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
SES111SES58 | Chlorophyll-b total | mg.m-3 |
CHADSES58 | Divinyl chlorophyll-a | mg.m-3 |
SES112SES58 | Chlorophyll-a (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
CPHLSES58 | Chlorophyll-a total | mg.m-3 |
SES175SES58 | Phaeophytin_a (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
SES176SES58 | Sum Carotenes (hplc) | mg.m-3 |
SES170SES21 | 19-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc) | m-1 |
CH1PSES58 | Chl-a(less divinylchl-a) | mg.m-3 |
SES177SES59 | MicroChla-euphotic-layer | mg.m-2 |
SES178SES59 | NanoChla-euphotic layer | mg.m-2 |
SES179SES59 | PicoChla-euphotic layer | mg.m-2 |
SES180SES60 | CTD number - SES180 | integer - SES60 |
SES181SES60 | BTL number | integer |
SLCAUMPM | Silicate concentration parameters in the water column | Micromoles per mole |
SES5UMGL | Oxygen saturation | Milligrams per litre |
SES182UVAA | Current east component | Metres per second |
DEPBSES18 | Depth below sea bottom | Meters |
SIGTSES56 | Density of the water column | Kg/m^3 |
SES124UPMS | Copepod ingestion - SES124 | Number per square metre - UPMS |
SES183UPMS | Copepod abundance - SES183 | Number per square metre - UPMS |
SES183UCMC | Copepod abundance - SES183 | Number per cubic metre - UCMC |
SES184UMMC | Copepod biomass - SES184 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES26SES61 | Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler | uM |
BNTXSES62 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX | Million cells per millilitre, 10^6 cell/ml - SES62 |
BNTXSES63 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX | cells per gram, cell/g - SES63 |
CCPWSES64 | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPW | mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64 |
SES125SES10 | Copepod production - SES125 | Eggs of female per day, eggs/female/d - SES10 |
SES125SES20 | Copepod production - SES125 | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20 |
F001SES65 | Lipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in the water column - F001 | Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65 |
PNTXSES6 | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - PNTX | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
SES185SES66 | Faecal pellet production - SES185 | pellets ind-1 h-1 - SES66 |
SES124SES11 | Copepod ingestion - SES124 | Nanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h - SES11 |
SES124SES67 | Copepod ingestion - SES124 | ?g C copepod -1day-1 - SES67 |
EXCRSES68 | Excretion rate parameters in the water column - EXCR | Nanomoles per milligrams per hour (nmol mg-1 h-1) - SES68 |
ZATXSES69 | Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATX | Number per 10 cubic metres (ind/10m3) - SES69 |
UPTHSES70 | Bacterial production in the water column - UPTH | Nanograms of carbon per gram per hour (ngC g-1h-1) - SES70 |
MFWWUGMS | Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWW | Grams per square metre - UGMS |
CNTXSES7 | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTX | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
MZBNSES6 | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBN | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
TCFXUMDX | Sedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column - TCFX | Millimoles per square metre per day - UMDX |
MATXSES5 | Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MATX | cells per litre, cell/l - SES5 |
MATCSES7 | Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - MATC | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
CATXSES7 | Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CATX | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
HMSBUMMC | Concentration of dissolved organic matter in the water column - HMSB | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
PHOSUPNM | Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column - PHOS | Nanomoles per litre - UPNM |
TOCHSES65 | Concentration of carbohydrates in the water column - TOCH | Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65 |
WPROSES65 | Concentration of proteins in the water column - WPRO | Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65 |
SES171SES21 | Neoxanthin (hplc) | m-1 |
SES186UCMC | Mesozooplankton total abundance (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora and Cnidaria) - SES186 | Number per cubic metre - UCMC |
SES187UMMC | Mesozooplankton total biomass (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora) - SES187 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES188SES16 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188 | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16 |
FCRTSES47 | Zooplankton feeding - FCRT | ?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47 |
FCRTSES71 | Zooplankton feeding - FCRT | ng Chl-a ingestion ind-1 h-1 - SES71 |
ZATXSES72 | Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATX | ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter - SES72 |
SAMOUMDX | Nutrient fluxes between the bed and the water column - SAMO | Millimoles per square metre per day - UMDX |
SPHTUMGL | Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment pore water - SPHT | Milligrams per litre - UMGL |
NTPWUPOX | Nutrient concentrations in sediment pore waters - NTPW | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
MFWWSES73 | Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWW | ind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73 |
SES196SES16 | Mesozooplankton total biomass as Nitrogen. - SES196 | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16 |
SES199SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction >0.2 micrometer - SES199 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES200SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2 micrometer - SES200 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES198SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-2 micrometer - SES198 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES201SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 2-5 micrometer - SES201 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES202SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction >2 micrometer - SES202 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES203SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 2 micrometer - SES203 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES33SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES33 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES204SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction >5 micrometer - SES204 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES205SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 5 micrometer - SES205 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES107SES72 | Mesozooplankton total abundance | ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter |
SES206SES5 | Total microplankton abundance - SES206 | cells per litre, cell/l - SES5 |
SES34SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - SES34 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES190UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 micrometers - SES190 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES192UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction >2 micrometers - SES192 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES193UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 2 micrometers - SES193 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES35SES74 | Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - SES35 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES194UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction >5 micrometers - SES194 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES195UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 5 micrometers - SES195 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES189UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2-2 micrometers - SES189 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES191UGPL | Chlorophyll-a, fraction 2-5 micrometers - SES191 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
POTTUPOX | Total organic phosphorus (d+p) - POTT | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
TPAWUPOX | Diss. triphosphate adenosine - TPAW | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
CODWSES2 | Chemical oxygen demand - CODW | Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2 |
POCFSES20 | Part. organic carbon flux - POCF | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20 |
CCPWUPOX | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPW | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
SES61SES7 | Microphytoplankton carbon biomass - SES61 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES62SES7 | Nanophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES62 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES63SES7 | Picophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES63 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES188SES7 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188 | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
ZNTCSES7 | Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - ZNTC | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
SES207UPOX | Total organic carbon - SES207 | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
CPHLSES21 | Chlorophyll-a total | m-1 |
PSALUPPB | Salinity of the water column | Parts per billion |
PHOSUMIC | Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column | Micrometres (microns) |
PHOWUMIC | Phosphate (po4-p) content | Micrometres (microns) |
PXSPUMIC | Phosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate material | Micrometres (microns) |
NTRAUMIC | Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column | Micrometres (microns) |
SES2UMIC | Dissolved silicic acid concentration in the water column | Micrometres (microns) |
CH1TSES58 | Chlorophyll total | mg.m-3 |
CPWCSES58 | Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column | mg.m-3 |
SES95SES7 | Total mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle) | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l |
MSICSES40 | Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column | mg C/m^3 |
ZV00SES40 | Zooplankton biovolume | mg C/m^3 |
SES188SES40 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass | mg C/m^3 |
SES105SES40 | Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass | mg C/m^3 |
MSZWSES40 | Mesozooplancton dry weight | mg C/m^3 |
SES71SES20 | Primary production at surface | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day |
SES174SES17 | Bacterio_chl_a (hplc) | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
SES73SES17 | Bacterial production in water column | Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day |
MSZWSES58 | Mesozooplancton dry weight | mg.m-3 |
MATXSES72 | Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter |
CPWCSES40 | Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column | mg C/m^3 |
SES152SES21 | Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance | m-1 |
SES171CCPM | Neoxanthin (hplc) | Millilitres per minute |
SES208CCPM | tot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnus | Millilitres per minute |
SES208SES76 | tot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnus | Number of fish |
SES211SES77 | individual per cubic meter | Mesozooplankton abundance |
SES211SES78 | individual per cubic meter | Mesozooplankton total abundance |
SES212UPCT | Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar | Percent |
TCO2UPPM | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2 | Parts per million - UPPM |
SES213UMMC | Mesozooplancton Ash free dry weight - SES213 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
UPTHSES79 | Bacterial production in the water column - UPTH | Micrograms of Carbon per litre per day - SES79 |
SES214UGCC | zooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214 | Grams per cubic centimetre - UGCC |
SES216SES81 | Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES216 | Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81 |
SES217SES81 | Mesozooplankton Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES217 | Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81 |
SES185SES82 | Faecal pellet production - SES185 | Miligrams of Carbon per grams of Carbon per Hour - mgC gC-1 h-1 - SES82 |
SES219UGPL | Chlorophyll-a fraction >0.2 micrometers - SES219 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES220UGPL | Chlorophyll-a fraction 1.2 micrometers - SES220 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
SES221UGPL | Chlorophyll-a fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES221 | Micrograms per litre - UGPL |
BATXSES83 | Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX | 10^4 Cell/ml - SES83 |
BATXSES5 | Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX | cells per litre, cell/l - SES5 |
BATXSES6 | Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
TCO2KGUM | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2 | Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM |
SES222SES84 | Dissolved inorganic carbon Stable carbon isotopes - SES222 | Delta C 13 (‰) - SES84 |
BNTXSES85 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX | 10^5 Cell/ml - SES85 |
SES223UGDX | inorganic carbon flux - SES223 | Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX |
MZBNUPMS | Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBN | Number per square metre - UPMS |
SES226UMMC | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >1000 um - SES226 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES224UMMC | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 200-500 um - SES224 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES225UMMC | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 500-1000um - SES225 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES227SES86 | Nematode genus richness - SES227 | number of genus - SES86 |
SES228SES87 | Oxygen consumption rate - SES228 | ?l mgDW-1 h-1 - SES87 |
SES229UGDX | OPAL Flux - SES229 | Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX |
SES230UGDX | Organic Carbon flux - - SES230 | Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX |
SES231UMMC | Total Organic matter in the water column - SES231 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES232UCPL | Other microplankton - SES232 | Number per litre - UCPL |
SES234UPOX | Silicate concentration parameters in sediment pore water - SES234 | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
SES236SES74 | Primary production in the water column fraction 1.2 micrometer-- - SES236 | milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74 |
SES237SES88 | Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237 | Micromoles per gram - SES88 |
SES238UPCT | Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments - SES238 | Percent - UPCT |
SES239UCPL | Taxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239 | Number per litre - UCPL |
SES239SES50 | Taxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239 | individuals per square meter - SES50 |
MSICUMMC | Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column - MSIC | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
TCO2SES64 | Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2 | mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64 |
ALKYSES64 | Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKY | mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64 |
SES240UPOX | Total Dissolved Nitrogen - SES240 | Micromoles per litre - UPOX |
SES241SES73 | Total meiofaunal (meibenthos) abundance - SES241 | ind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73 |
VIRUSES6 | Virus abundance in the water column - VIRU | cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6 |
VIRUSES89 | Virus abundance in the water column - VIRU | 10^7 Cell/ml - SES89 |
SES242SES90 | Volume settlement - SES242 | ml- - SES90 |
SES214UMMC | zooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES243SES40 | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >1000 um - SES243 | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
SES244SES40 | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 500-1000 um - SES244 | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
SES245SES40 | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 200-500 um - SES245 | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
SES246UMMC | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES246 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES247UMMC | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >2000 um - SES247 | Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC |
SES248SES40 | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES248 | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
SES249SES40 | Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >2000 um - SES249 | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
SES237SES50 | Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237 | individuals per square meter - SES50 |
SES215SES80 | Fish taxonomy related biomass - SES215 | grams per hour (catch rate) - SES80 |
SES140SES47 | Ingestion rates on ciliates and chl-? >2 ?m - SES140 | ?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47 |
SES45UEQL | Total alkalinity in water column - SES45 | MicroEquivalents per litre - UEQL |
BATCSES7 | Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BATC | micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7 |
ZNTXSES50 | Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZNTX | individuals per square meter - SES50 |
SES250SES91 | Taxon-specific macrobenthos biomass - SES250 | gram per square meter - SES91 |
SES149SES91 | Taxon-specific meiobenthos biomass - SES149 | gram per square meter - SES91 |
MFLZUPMS | Zoobenthos taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the littoral zone - MFLZ | Number per square metre - UPMS |
SES188SES21 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass | m-1 |
SES188SES58 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass | mg.m-3 |
SES188SES44 | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass | Micrograms of Carbon per cubic metre per hour |
SES188UGUG | Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass | Micrograms |
SES210SES93 | tot_weight_Thunnus_sp - SES210 | weight_(kilograms) - SES93 |
SES238SES21 | Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments | m-1 |
SES251SES93 | weight_of_fish | weight_(kilograms) |
SES209SES93 | tot_weight_Thunnusthynnus - SES209 | weight_(kilograms) - SES93 |
SES252ULAA | ocean upper mixed layer is the layer between the ocean surface and a depth usually ranging between 25 and 200m - SES252 | Metres - ULAA |
SES238UGMC | Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments | Grams per cubic metre |
ZATXUGMC | Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column | Grams per cubic metre |
SES214UGMC | zooplankton taxonomy related biomass - | Grams per cubic metre |
DEPHUPDB | Depth below sea surface | Decibars |
SES255UFAA | Downward longwave radiation at surface - SES255 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES256UFAA | Upward longwave radiation at surface - SES256 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES257UFAA | Downward shortwave radiation at surface - SES257 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES258UFAA | Upward shortwave radiation at surface - SES258 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES259SES94 | Surface evaporation - SES259 | kg/m2/s - SES94 |
SES260SES94 | Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260 | kg/m2/s - SES94 |
SES260UFAA | Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES261UFAA | Surface total heat flux - SES261 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES262SES95 | Total cloudiness - SES262 | 0-1 scale - SES95 |
SES263SES95 | Low-level cloudiness - SES263 | 0-1 scale - SES95 |
SES264SES95 | Mid-level cloudiness - SES264 | 0-1 scale - SES95 |
SES265SES95 | High-level cloudiness - SES265 | 0-1 scale - SES95 |
SES266SES96 | Liquid water path - SES266 | Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96 |
SES267SES96 | Precipitable water - SES267 | Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96 |
SES268SES97 | Atmospheric Pressure at sea level - SES268 | pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97 |
CDTAUPKA | Air temperature - CDTA | Degrees Kelvin - UPKA |
SES269UPKA | Air Temperature Daily Maximun - SES269 | Degrees Kelvin - UPKA |
SES270UPKA | Air Temperature Daily Minimum - SES270 | Degrees Kelvin - UPKA |
CHUMSES98 | Atmospheric humidity - CHUM | Kilograms per Kilogram - kg/Kg - SES98 |
SES271UVAA | zonal wind speed - SES271 | Metres per second - UVAA |
SES272UVAA | meridional wind speed - SES272 | Metres per second - UVAA |
SES273UVCC | Convective precipitation rate - SES273 | Millimetres per second - UVCC |
SES274UVCC | Large-scale precipitation rate - SES274 | Millimetres per second - UVCC |
SES275UVCC | Precipitation rate mm/s - SES275 | Millimetres per second - UVCC |
SSTPUPKA | Sea surface temperature - SSTP | Degrees Kelvin - UPKA |
SES276SES97 | Zonal wind stress - SES276 | pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97 |
SES277SES97 | Meridional wind stress - SES277 | pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97 |
SES278UFAA | Latent heat flux (W/m2) - SES278 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES279UFAA | Longwave radiative flux - SES279 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES280UFAA | Shortwave radiative flux - SES280 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES112UGPL | Chlorophyll-a (hplc) | Micrograms per litre |
CPHLSES54 | Chlorophyll-a total | ug/l |
ZCTCSES40 | Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | mg C/m^3 |
BATCSES40 | Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column | mg C/m^3 |
SES281UFAA | net surface shortwave radiation - SES281 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES282UFAA | net surface longwave radiation - SES282 | Watts per square metre - UFAA |
SES262UPCT | Total cloudiness - SES262 | Percent - UPCT |
SES283UGKG | Specific humidity - SES283 | Grams per kilogram - UGKG |
BNTCSES40 | Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BNTC | mg C/m^3 - SES40 |
CNTXSES16 | Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTX | Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16 |
SES284SES94 | Water flux - SES284 | kg/m2/s - SES94 |
SES285SES99 | Altimetry Sea Level Anomaly - SES285 | centimeters - SES99 |
SES286SES99 | Reconstructed Sea Level Anomaly - SES286 | centimeters - SES99 |
SES287SES18 | Sea Surface Height - SES287 | Meters - SES18 |
SES288SES20 | Carbon sequestration to deep layers - SES288 | Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20 |
SES223SES100 | inorganic carbon flux - SES223 | Mole per square metre - SES100 |
PTPPUUML | Particulate total phosphorus | Microlitres per litre |