CODE,NAME,UNIT "ABCP","Alpha beta carotenes","mg/m^3" "ALKW","Alkalinity","umol/kg" "ALKY","Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column","umol/l" "AMON","Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "AMOW","Ammonium (nh4-n) content","nmol/kg" "ASDW","Absorption standard deviation","mg/m^3" "ATMP","Atmospheric pressure","mBar" "ATMS","Atmospheric pressure - sea lev","mBar" "AXAP","Alloxanthine","mg/m^3" "BATH","Bathymetric depth","m" "BCCW","Number of bacteria cells sw","#/l" "BCMW","Bacterial biomass in sea water","mg/m^3" "BFUP","19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine","mg/m^3" "C1UW","14c uptake 0.2-1 micron","mgC/mgChl/hr" "CA14","Carbon 14","mgC/mgChl/hr" "CDFW","Dark fixation","mgC/mgChl/hr" "CF1W","Dissolved cfc11","pmol/kg" "CF2W","Dissolved cfc12","pmol/kg" "CH1P","Chl-a(less divinylchl-a)","mg/m^3" "CH1T","Chlorophyll total","ug/kg" "CH2P","Chl-b(less divinylchl-b)","mg/m^3" "CHAD","Divinyl chlorophyll-a","mg/m^3" "CHAE","Epimere chlorophyll-a","mg/m^3" "CHAF","Chlorophyll-a vertical flux","mg/m^2/d" "CHBD","Divinyl-chlorophyll-b","mg/m^3" "CHC3","Chlorophyll-c3","mg/m^3" "CHCZ","Chlorophyll-c1+c2","mg/m^3" "CHLC","Chlorophyll-c total","mg/m^3" "CHLT","Chlorophyll-total","mg/m^3" "CHTF","Part. total carbohydrates","mg/m^2/d" "CICW","Number of sw ciliates","#/l" "CNDC","Electrical conductivity of the water column","S/m" "CO3F","Part. caco3 flux","mg/m^2/d" "COCW","Number of sw coccolithophorids","#/l" "CODW","Chemical oxygen demand","umol/l" "COPP","Number of copepods","#/l" "CORG","Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column","umol/l" "CPHL","Chlorophyll-a total","mg/m^3" "CUPW","14c production unknown filter","mgC/mgChl/hr" "DATE","Date","yyyymmdd" "DAYS","Day within year","d" "DAYX","Day within month","d" "DCAW","Dark carbon absorption","mg/m^3" "DENS","Other physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate material","kg/m^3" "DEPB","Depth below sea bottom","m" "DEPH","Depth below sea surface","m" "DFCW","Number of sw dinoflagellates","#/l" "DOPW","Dissolved organic phosphorus","umol/l" "DOX1","Dissolved oxygen","ppt" "DOX2","Dissolved oxygen","umol/kg" "DOX3","Dissolved oxygen","umol/l" "DOXY","Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column","umol/l" "DRDD","Duration (days)","d" "DRYT","Dry bulb temperature","degC" "DTCW","Number of sw diatoms","#/l" "DXAP","Diadinoxanthine","mg/m^3" "EPMP","Total susp. part. matter/ester","g/m^3" "ETDD","Ellapsed time","d" "ETHP","Particulate 234 th act. error","mBq/l" "ETHW","Dissolved 234 th act. error","mBq/l" "EWCS","Current east std. deviation","m/s" "EWCT","Current east component","m/s" "FCO2","Co2 fugacity","uatm" "FLU1","Fluorescence","V" "FUCP","Fucoxanthine","mg/m^3" "GLUC","Glucide","mg/m^3" "GPMP","Total susp. part. matter/glass","g/m^3" "GSPD","Gust wind speed","m/s" "HBAW","Nb of heterotrophic bacteria","#/l" "HCDT","Direction rel. true north","deg" "HCSP","Horizontal current speed","m/s" "HEAD","Platform or instrument orientation","deg" "HEDE","Isotopic ratio error","%" "HEDW","Deviation of isotopic ratio","%" "HEEW","Dissolved helium error","nmol/kg" "HELW","Dissolved helium","nmol/kg" "HFUP","19'hexanoyloxyfucoxanthine","mg/m^3" "HSUL","Hydrogen sulphide (h2s)","umol/l" "IODI","Iodine","umol/l" "LATD","Latitude degrees","deg" "LCAW","Light carbon absorption","mg/m^3" "LGH3","Light irradiance corrected par","uE/m^2/s" "LGH4","Light irradiance surface par","uE/m^2/s" "LGH5","Immerged/surf irradiance ratio","%" "LGHT","Light irradiance immerged par","uE/m^2/s" "LINC","Long-wave incoming radiation","W/m^2" "LIPI","Lipid","mg/m^3" "LOND","Longitude degrees","deg" "LSCT","Light scattering","%" "LTHF","Lithogenic fraction flux","mg/m^2/d" "LTUW","Leucine uptake rate","mgC/mgChl/hr" "MALS","Al in the sediment","%" "MBAS","Ba in the sediment","ppm" "MBRS","Br in the sediment","ppm" "MCAS","Ca in the sediment","%" "MCES","Ce in the sediment","ppm" "MCRS","Cr in the sediment","ppm" "MCUS","Cu in the sediment","ppm" "MFES","Fe in the sediment","%" "MIIS","I in the sediment","ppm" "MKKS","K in the sediment","%" "MLAS","La in the sediment","ppm" "MMGS","Mg in the sediment","%" "MMNS","Mn in the sediment","%" "MMOS","Mo in the sediment","ppm" "MNAS","Na in the sediment","%" "MNBS","Bs in the sediment","ppm" "MNDS","Nd in the sediment","ppm" "MNIS","Ni in the sediment","ppm" "MNTH","Month","yyyymmdd" "MPBS","Pb in the sediment","ppm" "MPPS","P in the sediment","%" "MRBS","Rb in the sediment","ppm" "MSCS","Sc in the sediment","ppm" "MSDP","Mean spheric diam. of particle","yyyymmdd" "MSIS","Si in the sediment","%" "MSMP","Mean spheric diam. median","yyyymmdd" "MSRS","Sr in the sediment","ppm" "MSZW","Mesozooplancton dry weight","mg/m^3" "MTHS","Th in the sediment","ppm" "MTIS","Ti in the sediment","%" "MUUS","U in the sediment","ppm" "MVVS","V in the sediment","ppm" "MYYS","Y in the sediment","ppm" "MZNS","Zn in the sediment","ppm" "MZRS","Zr in the sediment","ppm" "NEEW","Dissolved neon error","nmol/kg" "NEOW","Dissolved neon","nmol/kg" "NETR","Net radiation","W/m^2" "NFCW","Number of sw nanoflagellates","#/l" "NHRW","Ammonium regeneration","nmol/l/d" "NHUW","Ammonium uptake","nmol/l/d" "NODW","Dissolved organic nitrogen","umol/kg" "NORG","Dissolved organic nitrogen","umol/l" "NORW","Nitrification","nmol/l/d" "NOTT","Total organic nitrogen (d+p)","umol/kg" "NOUW","Nitrate uptake","nmol/l/d" "NSCS","Current north std. deviation","m/s" "NSCT","Current north component","m/s" "NT1P","Total particulate nitrogen","umol/kg" "NTAW","Nitrate (no3-n) content","umol/kg" "NTIW","Nitrite (no2-n) content","umol/kg" "NTOT","Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column","umol/l" "NTRA","Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "NTRI","Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "NTRZ","Nitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "NTZW","Nitrate + nitrite content","umol/kg" "NUMP","Number of particles","#/l" "PC1P","Particulate organic carbon/poc","umol/l" "PCEW","Number of sw picoeucaryotes","#/l" "PERP","Peridinine","mg/m^3" "PHCW","Num. of sw phytoplankton cells","#/l" "PHEA","Pheophytin-a","mg/m^3" "PHOS","Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "PHOW","Phosphate (po4-p) content","umol/kg" "PHPH","Ph","pH units" "PHTF","Phaeopigments vertical flux","mg/m^2/d" "PHTP","Total pheophytine","mg/m^3" "PN1P","Particulate organic nitrogen","umol/l" "POCF","Part. organic carbon flux","mg/m^2/d" "POCP","Particulate organic carbon/poc","mg/m^3" "PODW","Dissolved organic phosphorus","umol/kg" "PONP","Particulate organic nitrogen","mg/m^3" "POTT","Total organic phosphorus (d+p)","umol/kg" "PP1P","Part. organic phosphorus (p)","umol/l" "PRCW","Number of sw prochlorococcus","#/l" "PRES","Sea pressure sea surface=0","dBar" "PROT","Protein","mg/m^3" "PSAL","Salinity of the water column","ppt" "PT1P","Total particulate phosphorus","umol/kg" "PTNP","Particulate total nitrogen","mg/m^3" "PTPP","Particulate total phosphorus","mg/m^3" "PXAP","Prasinoxanthine","mg/m^3" "RDIN","Incident radiation","W/m^2" "RELH","Relative humidity","%" "SECS","Seconds within minute","s" "SIOF","Part. biogenic si flux","mg/m^2/d" "SLCA","Silicate concentration parameters in the water column","umol/l" "SLCP","Part. organic silica (si)","umol/l" "SLCW","Silicate (sio4-si) content","umol/kg" "SLEV","Observed sea level","m" "SNCW","Number of sw synechococcus","#/l" "SPDI","Indicated platform speed-ship","m/s" "SSAL","Salinity (pre-1978 defn)","ppt" "SSPS","Sea surface practical salinity","ppt" "SSTP","Sea surface temperature","degC" "SVEL","Sound velocity and travel time in the water column","m/s" "SWDR","Wave direction rel true north","deg" "SWHT","Swell height","m" "TCCF","Part. total carbon flux","mg/m^2/d" "TDPW","Total dissolved phosphorus","umol/l" "TEMP","Temperature of the water column","degC" "TH4P","Particulate 234th activty","mBq/l" "TH4W","Dissolved 234th","mBq/l" "TICW","Total inorganic carbon","umol/kg" "TIME","Time within day","hh24miss" "TNNF","Part. total nitrogen flux","mg/m^2/d" "TPAW","Diss. triphosphate adenosine","mg/m^3" "TPHP","Total phaeopigments","mg/m^3" "TPHS","Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column","umol/l" "TSMF","Total mass flux","mg/m^2/d" "TSMP","Total suspended matter","g/m^3" "TUR1","Light diffusion coefficient","/m" "TUR2","Light attenuation coefficient","/m" "TUR3","Light transmission","%" "TUR4","Turbidity","NTU" "TUR6","Turbidity","NTU" "TXAP","Diatoxanthine","mg/m^3" "VCSP","Vertical current speed","mm/s" "VERR","Velocity error","m/s" "VOCP","Volume conc. of particles","ppm" "WDIR","Wind direction rel. true north","deg" "WSPD","Wind speed","m/s" "YEAR","Year","yr" "ZXAP","Zeaxanthine","mg/m^3" "DOX4","Dissolved oxygen","mg/l" "DOC4","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","mg/l" "DOC2","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","umol/kg" "DOS2","Dissolved oxygen by ctd & smoothed numerically","umol/kg" "TDPK","Total dissolved phosphorus","umol/kg" "ZTBC","Zooplankton taxonomy related biomass expressed as c per unit volume","mg/m^3" "TEMPUAAA","Temperature of the water column","Degrees" "GWDRUABB","Wave direction","Degrees True" "BNTXUCML","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per millilitre" "MZBNUCPL","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per litre" "D000UCPL","Diatom taxonomy-related abundance per unit mass of sediment","Number per litre" "PATXUCPL","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per litre" "BNTXUCPL","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per litre" "PNTXUCPL","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per litre" "VIRUUCPL","Virus abundance in the water column","Number per litre" "MEPHUGDX","Zooplankton egg hatch proportion","Milligrams per square metre per day" "TCFXUGDX","Sedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column","Milligrams per square metre per day" "SPROUGKG","Concentration of proteins in sediment","Grams per kilogram" "CASDUGKG","Concentration of carbohydrates in sediment","Grams per kilogram" "CD10UGKG","Lipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in sediment","Grams per kilogram" "PSALUGKG","Salinity of the water column","Grams per kilogram" "CORGUGPL","Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "CPWCUGPL","Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "WPROUGPL","Concentration of proteins in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "FR11UGPL","Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "NTOTUGPL","Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "NTRZUGPL","Nitrate+nitrite concentration parameters in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "TPHSUGPL","Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "SES4UGPL","Hplc pigments","Micrograms per litre" "SIGTUKMC","Density of the water column","Kilograms per cubic metre" "SPOLUKWN","Sediment pollen content","Not known" "PSALUKWN","Salinity of the water column","Not known" "ASLVULAA","Sea level","Metres" "HEAVULAA","Wave height estimates","Metres" "CATXUMGL","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per litre" "TSEDUMGL","Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column","Milligrams per litre" "CNTXUMGL","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per litre" "MZCTUMKS","Microzooplankton grazing","10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram" "SPOLUMKS","Sediment pollen content","10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram" "ASAMUMKS","Acoustic backscatter in the water column","10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram" "ZCTCUMMC","Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "ASAMUMMC","Acoustic backscatter in the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "MSBDUMMC","Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "OPWCUMMC","Unclassified pigment concentrations in the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "PHWCUMMC","Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "CNTXUMMC","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "MZBCUMMC","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES6UMMC","Chlorophyll-a total","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES7UMMC","Chlorophyll-b","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES8UMMC","Chlorophyll-c","Milligrams per cubic metre" "PPRDUMMD","Primary production in the water column","Micromoles per litre per day" "ZCTCUMMS","Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per square metre" "TBGZUNMH","Bacterial consumption in the water column","Nanomoles per litre per hour" "BNUCUNPG","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance in sediment","Number per gram" "PSALUPAA","Salinity of the water column","Degrees Celsius" "DOXYUPCT","Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column","Percent" "ATTNUPCT","Transmittance and attenuance of the water column","Percent" "CBSDUPCT","Carbon concentrations in sediment","Percent" "SES5UPCT","Oxygen saturation","Percent" "MFABUPMS","Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bed","Number per square metre" "ZATXUPMS","Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per square metre" "DOCCUPOX","Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "SES1UPOX","Hydrogen sulfide (iodine back titration)","Micromoles per litre" "ZNLGUPOX","Metal ligand parameters in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "TDINUPOX","Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "DCMXUPOX","'other' halocarbon concentrations in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "SES2UPOX","Dissolved silicic acid concentration in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "ATTNUPRM","Transmittance and attenuance of the water column","per metre" "DOXYUSPC","Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column","Not specified" "ALKYUSPC","Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column","Not specified" "ATTNUSPC","Transmittance and attenuance of the water column","Not specified" "FVLTUSPC","Raw fluorometer output","Not specified" "PPRDUSPC","Primary production in the water column","Not specified" "SIGTUSPC","Density of the water column","Not specified" "GREFUSPC","Bacterial growth","Not specified" "PNTXUSPC","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Not specified" "PSALUSPC","Salinity of the water column","Not specified" "ZOOBUSPC","Zoobenthos taxonomy-related counts","Not specified" "DOCCUUML","Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column","Microlitres per litre" "DOXYUUML","Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column","Microlitres per litre" "ALKYUUPH","Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column","pH units" "FBABUUUU","Fish taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the bed","Dimensionless" "PSALUUUU","Salinity of the water column","Dimensionless" "EWSBUVAA","Wind speed and direction","Metres per second" "FNTXUCMC","Fish non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per cubic metre" "ZATXUCMC","Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per cubic metre" "ZNTXUCMC","Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per cubic metre" "UPTHNGCL","Bacterial production in the water column","Nanograms of Carbon per litre per hour" "PSALSES1","Salinity of the water column","P.S.U. (practical salinity unit)" "DOXYSES2","Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "ZCTCSES3","Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "PPRDSES3","Primary production in the water column","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "PSALSES4","Salinity of the water column","Salinity of the water column, P.S.U." "MZBNSES5","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "MATCSES5","Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "PATXSES5","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "BNTXSES5","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "PNTXSES5","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES3SES5","Flow cytometry","cells per litre, cell/l" "PATXSES6","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "BNTXSES6","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "BNTCSES7","Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l" "MZBCSES7","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l" "GPIGSES8","Zooplankton gut pigments","micrograms of Carbon per Ind per day, ug C/ind/day" "MEPHSES10","Zooplankton egg hatch proportion","Eggs of female per day, eggs/female/d" "GPIGSES11","Zooplankton gut pigments","Nanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h" "PSSTUPAA","Skin temperature of the water column","Degrees Celsius" "SES10SES6","Number of bacillariophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES11SES6","Number of dinophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES12SES6","Number of chlorophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES13SES6","Number of cryptophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES14SES6","Number of euglenoid","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES15SES6","Number of nanoflagellate","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES16SES6","Number of zygnemaphyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES18SES6","Number of total phytoplankton cells","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES22SES6","Number of chrysophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES23SES6","Number of cyanophyceae","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "COCWSES6","Number of sw coccolithophorids","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SIGTSES12","Density of the water column","Sigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000" "SES25SES2","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "SES26SES2","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "NTAWUPOX","Nitrate (no3-n) content","Micromoles per litre" "NTIWUPOX","Nitrite (no2-n) content","Micromoles per litre" "SLCWUPOX","Silicate (sio4-si) content","Micromoles per litre" "PHOWUPOX","Phosphate (po4-p) content","Micromoles per litre" "SES27SES13","Fluorescence, ctd","Fluorescence units" "DTCWSES14","Number of sw diatoms","cells/100 ml" "DFCWSES14","Number of sw dinoflagellates","cells/100 ml" "COCWSES14","Number of sw coccolithophorids","cells/100 ml" "SES15SES14","Number of nanoflagellate","cells/100 ml" "SES23SES14","Number of cyanophyceae","cells/100 ml" "SES12SES14","Number of chlorophyceae","cells/100 ml" "SES13SES14","Number of cryptophyceae","cells/100 ml" "SES14SES14","Number of euglenoid","cells/100 ml" "SES16SES14","Number of zygnemaphyceae","cells/100 ml" "SES22SES14","Number of chrysophyceae","cells/100 ml" "SES17SES14","Number of unidentified phytoplankton","cells/100 ml" "SES18SES14","Number of total phytoplankton cells","cells/100 ml" "FCNTUSPC","Fish taxonomy-related counts","Not specified" "SES29UPOX","Apparent oxygen utilization (aou)","Micromoles per litre" "SES30SES6","Binucleated cells (bn)ses30","cells per millilitre, cell/mlSES6" "CUPWUMKS","14c production unknown filter","10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram" "SES30UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses30","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES31UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 - 1.2 micrometers - ses31","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES32UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses32","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES33SES3","Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - ses33","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3" "SES34SES3","Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - ses34","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3" "SES35SES3","Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - ses35","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h - SES3" "SES36MGCL","Biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36","Micrograms of Carbon per litre per hour - MGCL" "SES36SES7","Biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses36","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES37SES7","Biomass of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses37","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES38SES6","Abundance of phototrophic nanoflagellates - ses38","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "SES39SES6","Abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates - ses39","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "CUPWUPOX","14c production unknown filter","Micromoles per litre" "SES40UPOX","Total sulfides (spectrophotometric)","Micromoles per litre" "SES41UPOX","Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)","Micromoles per litre" "SES42UPOX","Thiosulfate","Micromoles per litre" "SES43UPOX","Sulfite","Micromoles per litre" "SES44UPOX","Sulfur-o","Micromoles per litre" "UREAUPOX","Urea concentration parameters in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "SES45SES15","Total alkalinity in water column","Milligramm-Equivalent per litre" "SES46UUMV","Redox potential in sw","Millivolts" "PT1PUPOX","Total particulate phosphorus","Micromoles per litre" "SES47UMGL","Humic matter","Milligrams per litre" "SES48UPOX","Manganese (ii) in water column","Micromoles per litre" "SES49UMMS","Phytoplankton total, wet biomass","Milligrams per square metre" "SES51UMMS","Diatoms, wet biomass","Milligrams per square metre" "SES52UMMS","Microphytoplankton, wet biomass","Milligrams per square metre" "SES53UMMS","Nanophytoplankton, wet biomass","Milligrams per square metre" "SES54SES5","Microphytoplankton (>15 microns), average cell density in water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES55SES5","Nanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average cell density in water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES56SES5","Picophytoplankton (< 2 micron), average cell density in water column","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES57UMMC","Microphytoplankton (>15 microns), average wet biomass in water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES58UMMC","Nanophytoplankton (2-15 microns), average wet biomass in water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES59UMMC","Picophytoplankton (< 2 microns), average wet biomass in water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES60UMMC","Total phytoplankton average wet biomass in water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES61SES16","Microphytoplankton carbon biomass","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES62SES16","Nanophytoplankton carbon biomass","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES63SES16","Picophytoplankton carbon biomass","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES64SES16","Total phytoplankton carbon biomass at surface","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES65SES16","Total phytoplankton carbon biomass (layer)","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES66SES5","Total cyanobacteria, cell density","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES67SES17","Primary production at selected depth","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "SES68UMMC","Chlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES69SES18","Secchi disk visibility depth","Meters" "SES70UGMS","Zoobentos 1 (0.05 m2 van veen grab)","Grams per square metre" "SES71SES17","Primary production at surface","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "SES73SES20","Bacterial production in water column","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "SES74SES20","Primary production in water column","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "SES75UMMC","Mesozooplankton f2("fodder" ) biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES76UCMC","Mesozooplankton f2 ("fodder" ) number","Number per cubic metre" "SES77UGMS","Zoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) biomass","Grams per square metre" "SES78UPMS","Zoobentos 2 (0.1 m2 grab) number","Number per square metre" "SES79SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 407 nm","m-1" "SES80SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 422 nm","m-1" "SES81SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 427 nm","m-1" "SES82SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 465 nm","m-1" "SES83SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm","m-1" "SES84SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 457 nm","m-1" "SES85UPCT","Light transmission at 600 nm","Percent" "SES86SES22","Photosynthetically active radiation","Micro Einsteins per square meter per second" "SES87UMMC","Total mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES88UMMC","Total mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES89UMMC","Total mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES90UMMC","Total mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES91UMMC","Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (150 litre big bottle)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES92UMMC","Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (jom 80/113 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES93UMMC","Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (br 113/140 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES94UMMC","Fodder mesozooplankton biomass (cone 50 net)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES95UMMC","Total mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES96UMMC","Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES97UCMC","Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) number","Number per cubic metre" "SES98UCMC","Mesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel, mnemiop.) number","Number per cubic metre" "SES99UMMC","Mesozooplankton f6 ("fodder",greze net,w/o pleur., aurel., mnemiop.) biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES97UMMC","Mesozooplankton t2 (total, juday net, w/o aurelia and mnemiopsis) number","Milligrams per cubic metre" "UPTHSES20","Bacterial production in the water column","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "PPRDSES20","Primary production in the water column","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "SES86UMES","Photosynthetically active radiation","MicroEinsteins per square metre per second" "SES66SES23","Total cyanobacteria, cell density","cells per cubic metre" "SES72SES24","Bacterial biomass at surface","Milligrams" "SES50UMMS","Dinoflagellates, wet biomass","Milligrams per square metre" "SES100SES5","Total phytoplankton, cell density","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES101UMMC","Total phytoplankton, wet biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES102ULAA","Lower layer depth","Metres" "SES26MMOM","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","Millimoles per mole" "SES103UKMC","Density (sigma-theta)","Kilograms per cubic metre" "SES26UPOX","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","Micromoles per litre" "SECCULAA","Secchi disk depth","Metres" "CDTAUPAA","Air temperature","Degrees Celsius" "SES103SES19","Density (sigma-theta)","Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter" "SES103SES21","Density (sigma-theta)","m-1" "SES104UMMC","Mesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES104SES19","Mesozooplankton wet weight total biomass per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter" "SES105SES19","Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass","Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter" "SES106SES25","Test1","test1" "SES103UCMC","Density (sigma-theta)","Number per cubic metre" "SES107UCMC","Mesozooplankton total abundance","Number per cubic metre" "SES108UCMC","Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance","Number per cubic metre" "ASLVSES18","Sea level","Meters" "TEMPULAA","Temperature of the water column","Metres" "SES109UPAA","Potential temperature","Degrees Celsius" "SES110KGUM","Total co2","Micromoles per kilogram" "SES25KGUM","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd","Micromoles per kilogram" "SES111UMMC","Chlorophyll-b total","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES112UMMC","Chlorophyll-a (hplc)","Milligrams per cubic metre" "NTRASES21","Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column","m-1" "MSBDSES21","Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column","m-1" "NTRASES27","Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column","mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter" "PHOSSES27","Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column","mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter" "AMONSES27","Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column","mM/m2 , Millimoles per square meter" "SES68UGPL","Chlorophyll-a (spectrophotometric method)","Micrograms per litre" "ZNTCSES16","Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SIOFUMGL","Part. biogenic si flux","Milligrams per litre" "SES27UKWN","Fluorescence, ctd","Not known" "SES6UGPL","Chlorophyll-a total","Micrograms per litre" "SES73NGCL","Bacterial production in water column","Nanograms of Carbon per litre per hour" "BNTXUKWN","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Not known" "SES6SES5","Chlorophyll-a total","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES6SES7","Chlorophyll-a total","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l" "AYMD","Date and time","yyyymmdd hh:mm" "SES41UMGL","Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)","Milligrams per litre" "SES25UMGL","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd","Milligrams per litre" "SES115SES28","Turbidity","FTU" "SES116UGPL","Active chlorophyll-a","Micrograms per litre" "CUPWUCMC","14c production unknown filter","Number per cubic metre" "CUPWSES21","14c production unknown filter","m-1" "SES27USPC","Fluorescence, ctd","Not specified" "SES24UKMC","Sigma-t, kilograms per cubic metre - 1000","Kilograms per cubic metre" "NTZWUPOX","Nitrate + nitrite content","Micromoles per litre" "SES118UPOX","Part. organic carbon (c)","Micromoles per litre" "SES117UPOX","Part. organic nitrogen (n)","Micromoles per litre" "SES120UMLV","Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere","Parts per million by volume" "SES119UMLV","Carbon dioxide concentrations in the surface seawater","Parts per million by volume" "SES121UATM","Partial pressure (pco2) and fugacity (fco2) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere","Microatmospheres" "PTNPUPOX","Particulate total nitrogen","Micromoles per litre" "SES74SES21","Primary production in water column","m-1" "SES124SES31","Copepod ingestion","?gCprey ?gCcop-1 day-1" "SES125SES32","Copepod production","?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1" "PTDZUPAA","Temperature variation in the water column","Degrees Celsius" "CATXUMMC","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "PATXUCMC","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Number per cubic metre" "SES67SES20","Primary production at selected depth","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "AMONUMGL","Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column","Milligrams per litre" "SES105UMMC","Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES27UVLT","Fluorescence, ctd","Volts" "SES27UGPL","Fluorescence, ctd","Micrograms per litre" "SES109UAAA","Potential temperature","Degrees" "SES45UPOX","Total alkalinity in water column","Micromoles per litre" "TICWUPOX","Total inorganic carbon","Micromoles per litre" "TCO2UPOX","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column","Micromoles per litre" "MSICSES21","Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column","m-1" "DEPHSES18","Depth below sea surface","Meters" "MNGSSES13","Sediment grain size parameters","Fluorescence units" "SES126SES33","Particle size spectra in water column","abundance in size class" "SES127SES33","Particle abundance size spectra in water column","abundance in size class" "TUR3SES21","Light transmission","m-1" "PHPHUPOX","Ph","Micromoles per litre" "SES45KGUM","Total alkalinity in water column","Micromoles per kilogram" "PTPPUPOX","Particulate total phosphorus","Micromoles per litre" "PHWCUGPL","Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "SES9SES5","Number of sw bacillariophyceae","cells per litre, cell/l" "DTCWSES5","Number of sw diatoms","cells per litre, cell/l" "DFCWSES5","Number of sw dinoflagellates","cells per litre, cell/l" "COCWSES5","Number of sw coccolithophorids","cells per litre, cell/l" "NFCWSES5","Number of sw nanoflagellates","cells per litre, cell/l" "PHCWSES5","Num. of sw phytoplankton cells","cells per litre, cell/l" "TUR2SES21","Light attenuation coefficient","m-1" "PCEWSES5","Number of sw picoeucaryotes","cells per litre, cell/l" "RVDSSES36","River flow and discharge - rvds","Tons per day - SES36" "RVDSSES37","River flow and discharge - rvds","Cubic meter per second - SES37" "SSPSSES4","Sea surface practical salinity","Salinity of the water column, P.S.U." "SSALSES4","Salinity (pre-1978 defn)","Salinity of the water column, P.S.U." "SES41SES2","Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "LGH4SES22","Light irradiance surface par","Micro Einsteins per square meter per second" "SES128UMKS","Number of bacteria cells sw","10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram" "SES129SES39","Bacterial carbon production in the sea water column","µg C/L/h" "SES130SES39","Microbial community respiration","µg C/L/h" "SES131SES40","Bacterioplankton biomass in the sea water column","mg C/m^3" "SES128SES21","Number of bacteria cells sw","m-1" "SES128SES41","Number of bacteria cells sw","cells10^8/L" "SES132SES42","137cs activity in seawater","mBq/l" "SES133SES42","Error on 137cs activity in water [mbq/l]","mBq/l" "SES132SES21","137cs activity in seawater","m-1" "SES134SES21","Din concentration in the atmosphere","m-1" "SES134UMMC","Din concentration in the atmosphere","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES135UMMC","Dip concentration in the atmosphere","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES136UGPL","Chlorophyll a- total and size fractionated","Micrograms per litre" "SES137SES3","Primary production total and size fractionated","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "SES29SES21","Apparent oxygen utilization (aou)","m-1" "CAPHUPDB","Air pressure","Decibars" "TCNTUUTU","Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output","Tritium units (10**18H/Tr)" "SSPSUGKG","SEA SURFACE PRACTICAL SALINITY","Grams per kilogram" "PHPHSES35","PH","moles/(kg Sea Water)" "PHPHSES34","PH","mol/(kg Sea Water)" "PTDZSES21","Temperature variation in the water column","m-1" "TSMPSES21","TOTAL SUSPENDED MATTER","m-1" "AMONUGPL","Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "BATHSES18","BATHYMETRIC DEPTH","Meters" "TDINUGPL","Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column","Micrograms per litre" "SES129SES45","Bacterial Carbon Production in the sea water column - SES129","µg C/L/h SES129 - SES45" "PPRDSES39","Primary production in the water column","µg C/L/h" "BPBPSES6","Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as protein per unit volume of the water column","cells per millilitre, cell/ml" "SES138SES39","Bacterial carbon productionin the sea water column","µg C/L/h" "SES74SES3","Primary Production in water column","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "SES130SES46","Microbial Community Respiration","mgO2/m3/h" "TCNTSES4","Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output","Salinity of the water column, P.S.U." "SES139SES47","Ingestion rates on ciliates and Chl-? >0,2 ?m","µgCprey/µgCcop/day" "SES73SES39","Bacterial Production in water column","µg C/L/h" "SES27UBQK","Fluorescence, CTD","Bequerels per kilogram" "SES27SES21","Fluorescence, CTD","m-1" "CPWCUMMC","Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "FLUO","Fluorescence by ctd","Not specified" "DOC2KGNM","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","Nanomoles per kilogram" "SES41KGNM","Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)","Nanomoles per kilogram" "SES83SES2","Beam attenuation coefficient at 540 nm - SES83","Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2" "DOC2SES2","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "FLUOSES13","Fluorescence by ctd","Fluorescence units" "FR11UVLT","Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column","Volts" "FLUOUVLT","Fluorescence by ctd","Volts" "SES115UVLT","Turbidity","Volts" "ALKYSES32","Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKY","?gCegg ?gCcop-1 day-1 - SES32" "SES141KGUM","Normalized Total Alkalinity - SES141","Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM" "SES142SES21","Beam attenuation coeffiecient at 660 nm - SES142","m-1 - SES21" "SES5SES2","Oxygen saturation - SES5","Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2" "SES143SES48","Filtered water volume - SES143","Cubic meter, m3 - SES48" "SES144SES18","Vertical tow maximum depth - SES144","Meters - SES18" "CPHLUGPL","Chlorophyll-a total","Micrograms per litre" "MSBDUGDC","Zooplankton dry weight biomass per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre per day" "SES23SES21","Number of cyanophyceae","m-1" "BFUPSES21","19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine","m-1" "SNCWSES21","Number of sw synechococcus","m-1" "SNCWSES5","Number of sw synechococcus","cells per litre, cell/l" "SES128UCPL","Number of bacteria cells sw","Number per litre" "SES131UMMC","Bacterioplankton biomass in the sea water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES145UMMC","chlorophyll-c2","Milligrams per cubic metre" "SES108UMMC","Msozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance","Milligrams per cubic metre" "PREXUPDB","Sea level expressed as pressure","Decibars" "SECCSES18","Secchi disk depth","Meters" "LCAWSES3","Light carbon absorption","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "LCAWSES17","Light carbon absorption","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "DCAWSES17","Dark carbon absorption","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "DCAWSES3","Dark carbon absorption","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "TUR2SES18","Light attenuation coefficient","Meters" "SES136UMMC","Chlorophyll a- total and size fractionated","Milligrams per cubic metre" "TSMPUMGL","Total suspended matter","Milligrams per litre" "SES137SES17","Primary production total and size fractionated","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "SES49SES19","Phytoplankton total, wet biomass","Milligrams of Wet Weight per cubic meter" "CATXSES16","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter" "SES49UMMC","Phytoplankton total, wet biomass","Milligrams per cubic metre" "MATCUMMC","Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "FLUOUGPL","Fluorescence by ctd","Micrograms per litre" "DEPHSES21","Depth below sea surface","m-1" "DOC2SES3","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per hour, mgC/m3/h" "DOC2SES49","Dissolved oxygen by ctd","mg/l" "SES25SES49","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd","mg/l" "SES146SES21","Beam attenuation coefficient at 530 nm","m-1" "SES39UUPH","Abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates","pH units" "SES147UUPH","pH, ctd","pH units" "SES148SES50","Taxon-specific meiobenthos density","individuals per square meter" "SES149UGMS","Taxon-specific meiobenthos biomass","Grams per square metre" "SES150SES50","Meiobenthos total density","individuals per square meter" "SES151UGMS","Meiobenthos total biomass","Grams per square metre" "SES148UGMS","Taxon-specific meiobenthos density","Grams per square metre" "ZOOBUPMS","Zoobenthos taxonomy-related counts","Number per square metre" "ZWTXUGMS","Zoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed","Grams per square metre" "SES152UCMC","Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance","Number per cubic metre" "SES41SES49","Dissolved oxygen (ctd-probe)","mg/l" "TSMPUGPL","Total suspended matter","Micrograms per litre" "PSALSES29","Salinity of the water column","ppmv (parts per million by volume)" "SES26SES1","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","P.S.U. (practical salinity unit)" "SES5UPOX","Oxygen saturation","Micromoles per litre" "SES153UPOX","Total (dissolved+particulate) phosphorus","Micromoles per litre" "SES26SES49","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","mg/l" "OCPWUPOX","Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in sediment pore waters","Micromoles per litre" "SSPSUGCC","Sea surface practical salinity","Grams per cubic centimetre" "SSPSSES1","Sea surface practical salinity","P.S.U. (practical salinity unit)" "DOX3SES49","Dissolved oxygen","mg/l" "DOX3SES2","Dissolved oxygen","Millilitres per litre, ml/l" "DOCCUMMC","Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column","Milligrams per cubic metre" "AAMNUPOX","Concentration of nitrogen species in the atmosphere","Micromoles per litre" "SES156UPOX","Dissolved Organic Nitrogen","Micromoles per litre" "PRESSES52","Sea pressure sea surface=0","dBar" "PREXSES52","Sea level expressed as pressure","dBar" "CNDCSES53","Electrical conductivity of the water column","mS/cm" "OXYCUVLT","Raw oxygen sensor output","Volts" "SES158SES54","chlorophyll-a, ctd fluorescence SeaTech Chelsea","ug/l" "SES25SES55","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, ctd","umol/Kg" "SES103SES56","Density (sigma-theta)","Kg/m^3" "SES160SES57","QualityFlag t090 (0:OK;1:unknown;4:questionnable;8:bad)","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES161SES57","QualityFlag c0mscm","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES162SES57","QualityFlag sbeoxOV","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES163SES57","QualityFlag flC","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES164SES57","QualityFlag sal00","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES165SES57","QualityFlag sbeoxumolkg","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES166SES57","QualityFlag potemp090","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES167SES57","QualityFlag sigma-e00","enum(0,1,4,8)" "SES143ULIT","Filtered water volume","Litres" "CHC3SES58","Chlorophyll-c3","mg.m-3" "CHCZSES58","Chlorophyll-c1+c2","mg.m-3" "SES168SES58","chlorophyllid-a (hplc)","mg.m-3" "PERPSES58","Peridinine","mg.m-3" "SES169SES58","phaeophorbide_a (hplc)","mg.m-3" "SES170SES58","19-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc)","mg.m-3" "FUCPSES58","Fucoxanthine","mg.m-3" "BFUPSES58","19'butanoyloxyfucoxanthine","mg.m-3" "SES171SES58","Neoxanthin (hplc)","mg.m-3" "PXAPSES58","Prasinoxanthine","mg.m-3" "SES172SES58","Violaxanthin (hplc)","mg.m-3" "HFUPSES58","19'hexanoyloxyfucoxanthine","mg.m-3" "DXAPSES58","Diadinoxanthine","mg.m-3" "AXAPSES58","Alloxanthine","mg.m-3" "TXAPSES58","Diatoxanthine","mg.m-3" "ZXAPSES58","Zeaxanthine","mg.m-3" "SES173SES58","Lutein (hplc)","mg.m-3" "SES174SES58","Bacterio_chl_a (hplc)","mg.m-3" "SES111SES58","Chlorophyll-b total","mg.m-3" "CHADSES58","Divinyl chlorophyll-a","mg.m-3" "SES112SES58","Chlorophyll-a (hplc)","mg.m-3" "CPHLSES58","Chlorophyll-a total","mg.m-3" "SES175SES58","Phaeophytin_a (hplc)","mg.m-3" "SES176SES58","Sum Carotenes (hplc)","mg.m-3" "SES170SES21","19-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (hplc)","m-1" "CH1PSES58","Chl-a(less divinylchl-a)","mg.m-3" "SES177SES59","MicroChla-euphotic-layer","mg.m-2" "SES178SES59","NanoChla-euphotic layer","mg.m-2" "SES179SES59","PicoChla-euphotic layer","mg.m-2" "SES180SES60","CTD number - SES180","integer - SES60" "SES181SES60","BTL number","integer" "SLCAUMPM","Silicate concentration parameters in the water column","Micromoles per mole" "SES5UMGL","Oxygen saturation","Milligrams per litre" "SES182UVAA","Current east component","Metres per second" "DEPBSES18","Depth below sea bottom","Meters" "SIGTSES56","Density of the water column","Kg/m^3" "SES124UPMS","Copepod ingestion - SES124","Number per square metre - UPMS" "SES183UPMS","Copepod abundance - SES183","Number per square metre - UPMS" "SES183UCMC","Copepod abundance - SES183","Number per cubic metre - UCMC" "SES184UMMC","Copepod biomass - SES184","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES26SES61","Dissolved oxygen in the water column, winkler","uM" "BNTXSES62","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX","Million cells per millilitre, 10^6 cell/ml - SES62" "BNTXSES63","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX","cells per gram, cell/g - SES63" "CCPWSES64","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPW","mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64" "SES125SES10","Copepod production - SES125","Eggs of female per day, eggs/female/d - SES10" "SES125SES20","Copepod production - SES125","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20" "F001SES65","Lipid (fatty acids, sterols or isoprenoid compounds) concentrations in the water column - F001","Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65" "PNTXSES6","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - PNTX","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "SES185SES66","Faecal pellet production - SES185","pellets ind-1 h-1 - SES66" "SES124SES11","Copepod ingestion - SES124","Nanograms of Chl-a per Ind per hour, ngChl-a/Ind/h - SES11" "SES124SES67","Copepod ingestion - SES124","?g C copepod -1day-1 - SES67" "EXCRSES68","Excretion rate parameters in the water column - EXCR","Nanomoles per milligrams per hour (nmol mg-1 h-1) - SES68" "ZATXSES69","Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATX","Number per 10 cubic metres (ind/10m3) - SES69" "UPTHSES70","Bacterial production in the water column - UPTH","Nanograms of carbon per gram per hour (ngC g-1h-1) - SES70" "MFWWUGMS","Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWW","Grams per square metre - UGMS" "CNTXSES7","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTX","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "MZBNSES6","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBN","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "TCFXUMDX","Sedimentation flux of carbon, nitrogen or organic matter in the water column - TCFX","Millimoles per square metre per day - UMDX" "MATXSES5","Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MATX","cells per litre, cell/l - SES5" "MATCSES7","Microzooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - MATC","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "CATXSES7","Phytoplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CATX","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "HMSBUMMC","Concentration of dissolved organic matter in the water column - HMSB","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "PHOSUPNM","Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column - PHOS","Nanomoles per litre - UPNM" "TOCHSES65","Concentration of carbohydrates in the water column - TOCH","Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65" "WPROSES65","Concentration of proteins in the water column - WPRO","Milligrams per gram, mg/g - SES65" "SES171SES21","Neoxanthin (hplc)","m-1" "SES186UCMC","Mesozooplankton total abundance (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora and Cnidaria) - SES186","Number per cubic metre - UCMC" "SES187UMMC","Mesozooplankton total biomass (without N.scintillans, Ctenophora) - SES187","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES188SES16","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16" "FCRTSES47","Zooplankton feeding - FCRT","?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47" "FCRTSES71","Zooplankton feeding - FCRT","ng Chl-a ingestion ind-1 h-1 - SES71" "ZATXSES72","Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZATX","ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter - SES72" "SAMOUMDX","Nutrient fluxes between the bed and the water column - SAMO","Millimoles per square metre per day - UMDX" "SPHTUMGL","Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment pore water - SPHT","Milligrams per litre - UMGL" "NTPWUPOX","Nutrient concentrations in sediment pore waters - NTPW","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "MFWWSES73","Zoobenthos non taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed - MFWW","ind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73" "SES196SES16","Mesozooplankton total biomass as Nitrogen. - SES196","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16" "SES199SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction >0.2 micrometer - SES199","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES200SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2 micrometer - SES200","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES198SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-2 micrometer - SES198","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES201SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 2-5 micrometer - SES201","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES202SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction >2 micrometer - SES202","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES203SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 2 micrometer - SES203","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES33SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES33","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES204SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction >5 micrometer - SES204","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES205SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 5 micrometer - SES205","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES107SES72","Mesozooplankton total abundance","ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter" "SES206SES5","Total microplankton abundance - SES206","cells per litre, cell/l - SES5" "SES34SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 0.2-1.2 micrometers - SES34","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES190UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2 micrometers - SES190","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES192UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction >2 micrometers - SES192","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES193UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 2 micrometers - SES193","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES35SES74","Primary production in the water column, fraction 1.2 - 3.0 micrometers - SES35","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES194UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction >5 micrometers - SES194","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES195UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 5 micrometers - SES195","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES189UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 0.2-2 micrometers - SES189","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES191UGPL","Chlorophyll-a, fraction 2-5 micrometers - SES191","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "POTTUPOX","Total organic phosphorus (d+p) - POTT","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "TPAWUPOX","Diss. triphosphate adenosine - TPAW","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "CODWSES2","Chemical oxygen demand - CODW","Millilitres per litre, ml/l - SES2" "POCFSES20","Part. organic carbon flux - POCF","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20" "CCPWUPOX","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) in sediment pore waters - CCPW","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "SES61SES7","Microphytoplankton carbon biomass - SES61","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES62SES7","Nanophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES62","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES63SES7","Picophytoplankton carbon biomass - SES63","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES188SES7","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass - SES188","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "ZNTCSES7","Zooplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - ZNTC","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "SES207UPOX","Total organic carbon - SES207","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "CPHLSES21","Chlorophyll-a total","m-1" "PSALUPPB","Salinity of the water column","Parts per billion" "PHOSUMIC","Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column","Micrometres (microns)" "PHOWUMIC","Phosphate (po4-p) content","Micrometres (microns)" "PXSPUMIC","Phosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate material","Micrometres (microns)" "NTRAUMIC","Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column","Micrometres (microns)" "SES2UMIC","Dissolved silicic acid concentration in the water column","Micrometres (microns)" "CH1TSES58","Chlorophyll total","mg.m-3" "CPWCSES58","Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column","mg.m-3" "SES95SES7","Total mesozooplankton carbon biomass (150 litre big bottle)","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l" "MSICSES40","Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column","mg C/m^3" "ZV00SES40","Zooplankton biovolume","mg C/m^3" "SES188SES40","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass","mg C/m^3" "SES105SES40","Mesozooplankton wet weight biomass","mg C/m^3" "MSZWSES40","Mesozooplancton dry weight","mg C/m^3" "SES71SES20","Primary production at surface","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day" "SES174SES17","Bacterio_chl_a (hplc)","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "SES73SES17","Bacterial production in water column","Milligrams of carbon per cubic meter per day" "MSZWSES58","Mesozooplancton dry weight","mg.m-3" "MATXSES72","Microzooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","ind/m3 - Number of Individulas per cubic meter" "CPWCSES40","Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column","mg C/m^3" "SES152SES21","Mesozooplankton taxonomy-related abundance","m-1" "SES171CCPM","Neoxanthin (hplc)","Millilitres per minute" "SES208CCPM","tot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnus","Millilitres per minute" "SES208SES76","tot_num_Thunnus_tyhnnus","Number of fish" "SES211SES77","individual per cubic meter","Mesozooplankton abundance" "SES211SES78","individual per cubic meter","Mesozooplankton total abundance" "SES212UPCT","Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wetlab CStar","Percent" "TCO2UPPM","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2","Parts per million - UPPM" "SES213UMMC","Mesozooplancton Ash free dry weight - SES213","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "UPTHSES79","Bacterial production in the water column - UPTH","Micrograms of Carbon per litre per day - SES79" "SES214UGCC","zooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214","Grams per cubic centimetre - UGCC" "SES216SES81","Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES216","Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81" "SES217SES81","Mesozooplankton Carbon specific CO2 respiration rate - SES217","Micrograms of CO2 per Miligrams of Carbon per Hour -?gC mgC-1 h-1 - SES81" "SES185SES82","Faecal pellet production - SES185","Miligrams of Carbon per grams of Carbon per Hour - mgC gC-1 h-1 - SES82" "SES219UGPL","Chlorophyll-a fraction >0.2 micrometers - SES219","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES220UGPL","Chlorophyll-a fraction 1.2 micrometers - SES220","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "SES221UGPL","Chlorophyll-a fraction >3.0 micrometers - SES221","Micrograms per litre - UGPL" "BATXSES83","Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX","10^4 Cell/ml - SES83" "BATXSES5","Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX","cells per litre, cell/l - SES5" "BATXSES6","Bacteria taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BATX","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "TCO2KGUM","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2","Micromoles per kilogram - KGUM" "SES222SES84","Dissolved inorganic carbon Stable carbon isotopes - SES222","Delta C 13 (‰) - SES84" "BNTXSES85","Bacteria non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - BNTX","10^5 Cell/ml - SES85" "SES223UGDX","inorganic carbon flux - SES223","Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX" "MZBNUPMS","Microzooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - MZBN","Number per square metre - UPMS" "SES226UMMC","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >1000 um - SES226","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES224UMMC","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 200-500 um - SES224","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES225UMMC","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 500-1000um - SES225","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES227SES86","Nematode genus richness - SES227","number of genus - SES86" "SES228SES87","Oxygen consumption rate - SES228","?l mgDW-1 h-1 - SES87" "SES229UGDX","OPAL Flux - SES229","Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX" "SES230UGDX","Organic Carbon flux - - SES230","Milligrams per square metre per day - UGDX" "SES231UMMC","Total Organic matter in the water column - SES231","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES232UCPL","Other microplankton - SES232","Number per litre - UCPL" "SES234UPOX","Silicate concentration parameters in sediment pore water - SES234","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "SES236SES74","Primary production in the water column fraction 1.2 micrometer-- - SES236","milligram of carbon per cubic meter per hour - SES74" "SES237SES88","Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237","Micromoles per gram - SES88" "SES238UPCT","Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments - SES238","Percent - UPCT" "SES239UCPL","Taxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239","Number per litre - UCPL" "SES239SES50","Taxon-specific macrozooplankton abundance - SES239","individuals per square meter - SES50" "MSICUMMC","Zooplankton carbon biomass per unit area of the water column - MSIC","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "TCO2SES64","Total dissolved inorganic carbon (tco2) concentration in the water column - TCO2","mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64" "ALKYSES64","Alkalinity, acidity and ph of the water column - ALKY","mM, Millimoles per litre - SES64" "SES240UPOX","Total Dissolved Nitrogen - SES240","Micromoles per litre - UPOX" "SES241SES73","Total meiofaunal (meibenthos) abundance - SES241","ind/10m2 - Number of Individulas per 10 square meters - SES73" "VIRUSES6","Virus abundance in the water column - VIRU","cells per millilitre, cell/ml - SES6" "VIRUSES89","Virus abundance in the water column - VIRU","10^7 Cell/ml - SES89" "SES242SES90","Volume settlement - SES242","ml- - SES90" "SES214UMMC","zooplankton taxonomy related biomass - - SES214","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES243SES40","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >1000 um - SES243","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "SES244SES40","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 500-1000 um - SES244","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "SES245SES40","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 200-500 um - SES245","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "SES246UMMC","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES246","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES247UMMC","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated biomass: >2000 um - SES247","Milligrams per cubic metre - UMMC" "SES248SES40","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: 1000-2000 um - SES248","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "SES249SES40","Mesozooplankton size-fractionated Carbon biomass: >2000 um - SES249","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "SES237SES50","Sedimentary Reactive Silica (Si-HCl) - SES237","individuals per square meter - SES50" "SES215SES80","Fish taxonomy related biomass - SES215","grams per hour (catch rate) - SES80" "SES140SES47","Ingestion rates on ciliates and chl-? >2 ?m - SES140","?gCprey/?gCcop/day - SES47" "SES45UEQL","Total alkalinity in water column - SES45","MicroEquivalents per litre - UEQL" "BATCSES7","Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BATC","micrograms of Carbon per litre, ug/l - SES7" "ZNTXSES50","Zooplankton non taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column - ZNTX","individuals per square meter - SES50" "SES250SES91","Taxon-specific macrobenthos biomass - SES250","gram per square meter - SES91" "SES149SES91","Taxon-specific meiobenthos biomass - SES149","gram per square meter - SES91" "MFLZUPMS","Zoobenthos taxonomy-related abundance per unit area of the littoral zone - MFLZ","Number per square metre - UPMS" "SES188SES21","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass","m-1" "SES188SES58","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass","mg.m-3" "SES188SES44","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass","Micrograms of Carbon per cubic metre per hour" "SES188UGUG","Mesozooplankton total Carbon biomass","Micrograms" "SES210SES93","tot_weight_Thunnus_sp - SES210","weight_(kilograms) - SES93" "SES238SES21","Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments","m-1" "SES251SES93","weight_of_fish","weight_(kilograms)" "SES209SES93","tot_weight_Thunnusthynnus - SES209","weight_(kilograms) - SES93" "SES252ULAA","ocean upper mixed layer is the layer between the ocean surface and a depth usually ranging between 25 and 200m - SES252","Metres - ULAA" "SES238UGMC","Content of Organic Carbon in Sediments","Grams per cubic metre" "ZATXUGMC","Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column","Grams per cubic metre" "SES214UGMC","zooplankton taxonomy related biomass -","Grams per cubic metre" "DEPHUPDB","Depth below sea surface","Decibars" "SES255UFAA","Downward longwave radiation at surface - SES255","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES256UFAA","Upward longwave radiation at surface - SES256","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES257UFAA","Downward shortwave radiation at surface - SES257","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES258UFAA","Upward shortwave radiation at surface - SES258","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES259SES94","Surface evaporation - SES259","kg/m2/s - SES94" "SES260SES94","Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260","kg/m2/s - SES94" "SES260UFAA","Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) - SES260","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES261UFAA","Surface total heat flux - SES261","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES262SES95","Total cloudiness - SES262","0-1 scale - SES95" "SES263SES95","Low-level cloudiness - SES263","0-1 scale - SES95" "SES264SES95","Mid-level cloudiness - SES264","0-1 scale - SES95" "SES265SES95","High-level cloudiness - SES265","0-1 scale - SES95" "SES266SES96","Liquid water path - SES266","Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96" "SES267SES96","Precipitable water - SES267","Kilograms per square meter - kg/m2 - SES96" "SES268SES97","Atmospheric Pressure at sea level - SES268","pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97" "CDTAUPKA","Air temperature - CDTA","Degrees Kelvin - UPKA" "SES269UPKA","Air Temperature Daily Maximun - SES269","Degrees Kelvin - UPKA" "SES270UPKA","Air Temperature Daily Minimum - SES270","Degrees Kelvin - UPKA" "CHUMSES98","Atmospheric humidity - CHUM","Kilograms per Kilogram - kg/Kg - SES98" "SES271UVAA","zonal wind speed - SES271","Metres per second - UVAA" "SES272UVAA","meridional wind speed - SES272","Metres per second - UVAA" "SES273UVCC","Convective precipitation rate - SES273","Millimetres per second - UVCC" "SES274UVCC","Large-scale precipitation rate - SES274","Millimetres per second - UVCC" "SES275UVCC","Precipitation rate mm/s - SES275","Millimetres per second - UVCC" "SSTPUPKA","Sea surface temperature - SSTP","Degrees Kelvin - UPKA" "SES276SES97","Zonal wind stress - SES276","pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97" "SES277SES97","Meridional wind stress - SES277","pa - Pascal pressure units - SES97" "SES278UFAA","Latent heat flux (W/m2) - SES278","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES279UFAA","Longwave radiative flux - SES279","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES280UFAA","Shortwave radiative flux - SES280","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES112UGPL","Chlorophyll-a (hplc)","Micrograms per litre" "CPHLSES54","Chlorophyll-a total","ug/l" "ZCTCSES40","Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","mg C/m^3" "BATCSES40","Bacteria taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column","mg C/m^3" "SES281UFAA","net surface shortwave radiation - SES281","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES282UFAA","net surface longwave radiation - SES282","Watts per square metre - UFAA" "SES262UPCT","Total cloudiness - SES262","Percent - UPCT" "SES283UGKG","Specific humidity - SES283","Grams per kilogram - UGKG" "BNTCSES40","Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - BNTC","mg C/m^3 - SES40" "CNTXSES16","Phytoplankton non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column - CNTX","Milligram of carbon per cubic meter - SES16" "SES284SES94","Water flux - SES284","kg/m2/s - SES94" "SES285SES99","Altimetry Sea Level Anomaly - SES285","centimeters - SES99" "SES286SES99","Reconstructed Sea Level Anomaly - SES286","centimeters - SES99" "SES287SES18","Sea Surface Height - SES287","Meters - SES18" "SES288SES20","Carbon sequestration to deep layers - SES288","Milligrams of carbon per squere meter per day - SES20" "SES223SES100","inorganic carbon flux - SES223","Mole per square metre - SES100" "PTPPUUML","Particulate total phosphorus","Microlitres per litre"