Cruise Information: Monitoring_2012_05

From May 15, 2012 to May 15, 2012

Related to group of cruises: Croatia chemistry monitoring - OC 2012


Start: May 15, 2012   May 15, 2012 8:00:00, Station: OC06    End: May 15, 2012

Cruise Metadata
Instrument type: CTD stations Project: National monitoring dataset chemistry - OC
Country: Croatia Ship: Unknown
Data provider: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Contact: System Data Administrator
Data accessibility:  SeaDataNet partners Download: Please log in

Cruise Measured Parameters
Code P02ParameterCasts
AHGTVertical spatial coordinates3
TEMPTemperature of the water column3
NTRINitrite concentration parameters in the water column3
NTRANitrate concentration parameters in the water column3
TDINDissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column3
PSALSalinity of the water column3
WSTBStable isotope enrichment in the water column3

Selected Cast Information   May 15, 2012 8:00:00, Station: OC06
Latitude: Longetude: Depth:
43.51833 16.38166 37

Code P01ParameterUnit
D15NOPXXEnrichment of 15N in total nitrogen in the water body [particulate >unknown phase]Micromoles per litre
NTRAZZXXConcentration of nitrate {NO3- CAS 14797-55-8} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase]Micromoles per litre
NTRIZZXXConcentration of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase]Micromoles per litre
ODSDM017Concentration of nitrogen (inorganic) per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <unknown phase] by filtration and colorimetric autoanalysisMicromoles per litre
PRESPR01Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea levelMetres
PSALST01Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithmDimensionless
TEMPS901Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STDDegrees Celsius