Cruise Information: UNKNOWN^1888

From Jun 24, 1989 to Jul 9, 1989

Related to group of cruises: Cruise 22 (Professor Kolesnikov) Jun-Jul 1989


Start: Jun 24, 1989   Jun 24, 1989 13:10:12, Station: 99990    End: Jul 9, 1989

Cruise Metadata
Instrument type: Water bottle stations Project: unknown
Country: Ukraine Ship: Professor Kolesnikov
Data provider: Marine Hydrophysical Institute Contact: System Data Administrator
Data accessibility:  unrestricted Download: Please log in

Cruise Measured Parameters
Code P02ParameterCasts
AHGTVertical spatial coordinates67
DOXYDissolved oxygen parameters in the water column67

Selected Cast Information   Jun 24, 1989 13:10:12, Station: 99990
Latitude: Longetude: Depth:
43.833 34.25 2148

Code P01ParameterUnit
DOXYZZXXConcentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]Millilitres per litre
PRESPR01Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea levelDecibars