Cruise Information: SES_BLACKSEA-1_GR2007^3

From Oct 5, 2007 to Oct 15, 2007

Related to group of cruises: SES_BLACKSEA-1_GR 2007


Start: Oct 5, 2007   Oct 5, 2007 9:05:00, Station: 1    End: Oct 15, 2007

Cruise Metadata
Instrument type: Surface measurements underway (T,S) Project: SESAME
Country: Greece Ship: Aegaeo
Data provider: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography (HCMR/IO) Contact: Pantazi Maria
Data accessibility:  unrestricted Download: Please log in

Cruise Measured Parameters
Code P02ParameterCasts
TCO2Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column255
AHGTVertical spatial coordinates255
CAPHAir pressure255
TEMPTemperature of the water column255
PSALSalinity of the water column255
ACO2Carbon monoxide and dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere765

Selected Cast Information   Oct 5, 2007 9:05:00, Station: 1
Latitude: Longetude: Depth:
41.4563 29.2441 0

Code P01ParameterUnit
ACO2CV01Concentration (volume per volume) of carbon dioxide {CO2 CAS 124-38-9} per unit volume of cave atmosphere by carbon dioxide probeParts per million by volume
CAPHZZ01Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphereMillibars
FCO2WTATFugacity of carbon dioxide (at 100% humidity) {CAS 124-38-9} in the atmosphereMicroatmospheres
PCO2VA01Partial pressure of carbon dioxide {CO2 CAS 124-38-9} in the atmosphere by carbon dioxide probeMicroatmospheres
PRESPR01Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea levelDecibars
PSALZZXXPractical salinity of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithmParts per thousand
TCO2MSXXConcentration of carbon (total inorganic) {TCO2 CAS 7440-44-0} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase]Parts per million by volume
TEMPPR01Temperature of the water bodyDegrees Celsius