Cruise Information: MATER_MAI5_MAR98_BOT

From Mar 10, 1998 to Mar 26, 1998

Related to group of cruises: MATER_MAI5 Mar 1998


Start: Mar 10, 1998   Mar 18, 1998 14:33:00, Station: 0A010    End: Mar 26, 1998

Cruise Metadata
Instrument type: Water bottle stations Project: MAST III/MTP II/MATER
Country: Italy Ship: Urania
Data provider: unknown Contact: unknown
Data accessibility:  unrestricted Download: Please log in

Cruise Measured Parameters
Code P02ParameterCasts
AHGTVertical spatial coordinates2
PATXPhytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies6
PNTXPhytoplankton generic abundance in water bodies4

Selected Cast Information   Mar 18, 1998 14:33:00, Station: 0A010
Latitude: Longetude: Depth:
41.84367 17.76283 1203

Code P01ParameterUnit
NANFTOTLAbundance of flagellate [Size: 2-20um] per unit volume of the water bodyNumber per litre
P000M00ZAbundance of Bacillariophyta (ITIS: 2286: WoRMS 148898) per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopyNumber per litre
P200M00ZAbundance of Pyrrophycophyta (ITIS: 9873) per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopyNumber per litre
P490M00ZAbundance of Prymnesiophyceae (ITIS: 2135: WoRMS 115057) [Subgroup: coccolithophores] per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopyNumber per litre
PRESPR01Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea levelDecibars
PU00M00ZAbundance of phytoplankton per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopyNumber per litre